American Man Shares Why He Went Looking For A Wife Overseas

looking for a wife you don't want to come bring them back into a society that's already on the decline how else can you reall...

looking for a wife

you don't want to come bring them back into a society that's already on the decline how else can you really say it degrading our culture is degrading before our very eyes our infrastructure is crumbling before our very eyes our schools and our colleges are getting indoctrinated and radicalized with our very eyes the reason you get your passport is to leave not come back why do people keep saying yeah don't bring her back yeah you've got to learn their language you have to do that anyway to be an expat the point is you live in another country to maximize your dollar why would you ever go back let's hear about a passport bro so he has an interesting video we'll cover more later but he builds his house I'm gonna kind of give you the the short end of it here real quick the dude the dude builds a house in the Philippines it costs them about eighty thousand dollars and I can't remember what else he says his living like he he does out he puts it on a Excel sheet everything he spends from like mortgage which is nothing left left from like groceries gas bill whatever everything right and it's like a couple hundred bucks a month this dude's now living in the Philippines that's his wife right there on the right we've covered them before but now he did a video called why I went looking for a wife overseas again haven't watched these but let's check it out because his uh perspective is very interesting he's living the life right now that quite a few men are actively angling to get to everyone it's me again if you're new to the channel my name is Corey my wife's name is Raquel we moved to the Philippines from Chicago she was born and raised here uh we did all the paperwork she came to the US with me for a couple years we had a long-term plan to move over to the Philippines uh that being said I looked personally for a wife overseas obviously because I have one so I understand what it's like and why you would do it but it is definitely a Hot Topic right now it's actually it's been a Hot Topic not like hot sexy but no I'm not trying to be sexy I'm saying it's a very popular topic right now and it's been on the rise of the last three four five years in the last year or two it's just statistics show that it's just going up and looking abroad or overseas for a wife and I get it because I have one so again you know I understand it I know my reasons and I see the reasons why everyone is doing it okay yes I'm trying to be happy and positive about this so I'm not I'm not per I don't want to offend anyone because it's definitely a very sensitive and taboo kind of topic woman out there yes and I'm again look how they have to preface the video saying we just we're going to be positive this is my experience only because the insane backlash from Western women she even said it yeah because the women out there will literally pick this video apart and call this guy all sorts of names and call her all sorts of names and make us a whole bunch of claims about both of them simply because of him going overseas to find what he wants he went where he is more respected am I trying to offend anyone but it is what it is so fact statistics statistics are they are what they are okay so they said uh first thing on my list the reason number one that I was looking overseas for a wife or a bride finding someone with Traditional Values or old-fashioned whatever you want to call it is very important to me so my parents have been married for 45 years at this point they've never been divorced my mother raised me and then when I graduated school then she started working part-time but my by the way dude had a mean glow up let me see if I could find it real quick there's one so they go through the cost of living how much it cost to build look how my man looked in America so this video is 2021 this is before and this is December 2022 so basically a year a little over a year look at the glow up little shoulders my man was not eating good in America my man was stressing out fast forward where is he at my boy is looking look at them delts boys he's got himself he's eating good she's cooking real good for my man here look at that I'd prefer to work 60 hours a week to take care of the family so having those same values was important to me and I see that being a very popular reason for men looking abroad or overseas because it's definitely hard to find it's actually even hard to discuss in the states y'all remember that old guy that got interviewed by Filipina p and he's like been here nine years women here treat you too damn well look at my man he's well fed now no more Box Dinners no more microwave and [ __ ] a woman that's holding it down two smaller feet and petite and we're gonna again try to say this very politely but this is also another topic that's uh easy to offend the women in the western I eat healthy I work out a lot it's it's important to me to find someone that um and by the way you see how good he looks man this is a man that's happy this is a man with purpose he's got a wife he loves and adores her and he wants to be her protector and he wants to be he wants to naturally be the best version of himself the man the man is taking care of himself well he has something to live for do you see the difference he's yeah he's striving looks athletic and they're healthier and they're smaller so I'm trying to be polite shorter um shorter too yes but either way it's getting harder and harder to find that in the U.S in Western cultures it is unfortunately being larger just seems to be on the rise trying to be very polite about that another reason why men are looking overseas definitely a reason why I looked because over here I'm not going to be nice about it obesity is rampant in the west no need bro yes go ahead and fat cancel me I'm not an ally to [ __ ] obesity and coronary heart disease yes more and more women today are tipping the scales on heavy in the west it's the truth statistically look it up we don't have to be nice about it we're not the sugar coat people's damn feelings anymore get out of here dude we have pre-diabetics walking around so many people about to be on pills before they even hit 30. it's insane we got no necks no ankles out here five percent of the population is actually bigger majority almost everyone is Slender and more petite fit or skinny I don't want to use that word but again that's that's most of the population in Southeast Asia so when you're looking for a bride or a wife that's that's almost everyone compared to I'm not going to say the opposite in Western culture but it's a you know half and half kind of situation okay number three all for me because you're a foreigners are taller and or exotic yeah yeah um I thought we were talking okay for a minute well no it says her so it's probably you probably I'm just I don't know maybe I'm reading into it but it does say hard but uh yes to finish what she was saying in the US I'm 510 which means what it means I'm average right let's just be honest here five ten five nine whatever it is that's just average in the states well the average male in the Philippines is five two so instantly when I come over here it says correction five four the average height is 5'4 for a man in the Philippines five six Bros out here in the States you heard third year I'm taller I'm listening from skin tone I have an accent so instantly I'm tall handsome and exotic I'm laughing saying that because in the states I'm I'm average at best but over here yeah she looks at me and thinks I'm I'm tall and handsome and that's great I love that it's nice everyone look at you so it's nice to help husband like this so yeah it's just the fact that most uh most Filipino will look at you and there's oh it's a foreigner so it's nice that for me as a as a wife too yeah it's just um the opposite you leave your you see she adores her man she got a catch in her eye she's got a catch wherever they go they look at her man and go wow he's tall he's 510. he's Giga chat over there seriously so essentially what he looks like and then she takes Pride from that she goes yes I nabbed myself a 510 Giga chat and doing well and love genuine love you ain't finding that over here instead you better have a Pagani BC or you're in trouble boy your country you go somewhere else where you're instantly taller and you you have an accent and even a different skin tone because you know I'm more pale to her but to me her tan is sexy to me so for both of us it's better I like her accent she likes mine I like her height she likes mine I like yours yeah and yeah you laugh at it which isn't fair by the way at all but yeah um it's real no I don't think so I don't think that's fair actually because in the U.S she'll say something and her her accent is exotic and sexy in it but when I say my own capoon she laughs because of my accents but oh it's scary fancy to hear it like everything you pronounce is very fancy oh see I'm fancy over here that's that's another plus I didn't know about oh um so yeah it's just uh when you start looking for a bride or a wife overseas which a lot of people are doing I did it you're taller and handsome and you have an accent it it works well for you where now juxtaposed to his dating prospects in the United States guys how he looks here he's very well built now but he wasn't back then or maybe not under those clothes we couldn't notice but dudes Built Well now works out takes care of himself he's striving he's got something to Die For What do you think his chances are on Tinder in the United States please bro that's not he's not Pagani be seen it here in the states think about it vote with your feet get that blue book and go experience the world guys this is one of the dangers also of the manosphere is that when they speak about women and they're speaking about a certain sect of women unfortunately we're surrounded by them here in the west or even worse if you live in big cities then some of them more like venomous rhetoric definitely applies but when you start to step outside of the world [ __ ] changes dramatically yes for the most part things tend to overlap to a certain extent but it's not as radical as it is here it's a big difference in the states I would be a four or five let's just be honest over here wow look at me and think I'm a nine or a ten which is crazy to me there you go there you go what I tell you when you step into a country as a foreigner you are exotic you are attractive you are different and that is sexy to the women there he honestly said he was a [ __ ] four in the United States and he's a nine walking around in the Philippines we saw that other old head he's talking about my women my girls I tell them straight up I'm not getting married that dude was like 50 60 something years old let this be a lesson to the young men in the chat that are having no luck even the older guys that are having no luck and you're thinking something's wrong with you not really brother nothing's really wrong with you our standards have become have become so delusional because of Instagram and Tick Tock and all that that you've been priced out of the market artificially priced out because there are no male unicorns making millions of dollars right in Pagani BC is going to swoop up your average woman that's the delusion of the world today me but I enjoy it oh oh yeah many like tried to flirt with him remember that the girl in that story always asked like are you married are you see and here's another story of outcome Independence and pre-selection essentially he's already proving his value by just existing in that country because other women are angling for him in front of her competition anxiety naturally he's not even doing anything he's just living bro he's present in the country that's it automatically creates competition anxiety everybody knows he's high value happy oh yeah yeah no I'm not you know I love States I walk through the mall and the girls aren't like looking smiling and waving but here they're always smiling and waving which is funny I mean girls you know where I'll go shopping will know I'm married and they'll I'll go back and then they're like are you still married it's just kind of funny but over here yeah it's in our bedroom but over here [Laughter] will know I'm married and they'll I'll go back and then they're like are you still married it's just kind of funny but over here you see that look that's a yeah [ __ ] he's gonna be married forever I'm not letting this one slip away stupid yeah it's uh it's in our bench best interest to look overseas because we're taller and yeah very rare to see it's not common so snake hoes try to poach her man celebrity please yeah very interesting but it is true okay so another really important reason to me is in this culture they're not materialistic and that was really important to me because unfortunately in the U.S you start dating a pretty girl and she's going to list off like 20 different designer brand names that she cares about that are yeah besides the material things this is another thing someone said in the chat anyways they said don't bring them back because they'll get corrupted here's how you know you got a good one most look man though most of the world has caught up enough it to make the United States not seem like such a leap in quality of life as long as you have a little bit of money by Foreign standards which most American salaries pay tremendous compared to foreign countries you will actually live a fairly comparable quality of life to other countries sure infrastructure may be worse or less depending on where you go and what parts of the country you're in right the countryside versus the city or whatever regardless the rest of the world has caught up to us it's not a huge culture shock or a difference as it once was like the 80s 70s or 60s where you're really going into the Backwater of undeveloped Nations as long as you got money man that difference has complete that that Gap has closed you really can't tell anymore quote unquote important to her and they're not oh yeah and then the thought I was trying to finish so most of the good women that are really grounded won't even want to come back into the United States most women are not going to want to leave their families any anyway you know you gotta the the ones that are angling for basically papers are the ones that are telling you when are we going back to the States when are we going to visit the states when are we going to move to the states I want to get out of this country I want to leave my family I want to leave everything behind that's not really marriage material woman a marriage material woman is going to tell you could you move here can you stay here with my family I would like to raise our children next to my family I would like to have help raising children I would like to have them in vicinity of their grandparents Aunts Uncles she's thinking about family not thinking about living the high life in America not important so I feel like a lot of pretty girls have their priorities wrong where over here I talked to her and you know I kind of laughed the first time I asked her favorite brand name she said Nike I don't know Adidas snakey and Levi's because they were reliable and they lasted a long time yeah it wasn't even because she had ever had a pair of Levi's it was because she heard that they last a long time she didn't give me this laundry list of expensive things it was oh yeah simple I don't 3D I'm not comfortable asking I I don't grow up like that so I just wait when it feels good give me something then I will appreciate it but I'm not going like I want this I want this it was I am adjusting to that you know that the U.S you know I I work and we just don't really grow up like that to us but I grew up to give so yeah so again being materialistic is a is a really big plus and that's harder and harder to find in the western culture I'd say it it's sad because we shouldn't be materialistic at all it doesn't make you a better person to be wearing expensive things or own expensive things it doesn't it doesn't make you happier either yes generosity and giving so I'm not going to say people in the U.S or Western cultures are not generous or Don't Give A lot of people do so I don't want to come off like I'm sounding negative I mean a lot of people give to charity a lot of people help things like that over here I find it so much more prevalent and it's it's a lot more powerful and when I say that her birthday just came up recently she looked at me and smiled and said honey however much you'd be willing to spend on my birthday and she's not materialistic so when she said that I was very confused and she said whatever you'd be willing to spend just buy food with it and I didn't know where she was going with this I was very confused because we have a fridge freezer and a chest freezer we have food for the next six months so I'm looking at her wondering what she means and she explains that for her birthday she just wanted me to buy as much food as you know I'd be willing to buy so she could give it away to people that didn't have food and finding a beautiful girl in the U.S with those kind of priorities is more than rare I've never heard of it I've never seen it she's petite she's pretty she has her priorities right I just don't see these things adding up into one person and then you travel abroad or overseas and it's it's common because they're very generous in giving because they savoroda thanks brother having dated both from my country and others the difference is insane local boss Queens will drop you ASAP once a better guy in her terms entry of the building the other will drop everything for you they've grown up with very little so when they have they want to help others yeah especially that's Christmas so give to the kids yeah yeah I'm sorry I didn't even think about that go ahead yeah the ice cream yeah yeah then I give also to my parents workers you know that we're having games and yeah okay yeah I wasn't even thinking about Christmas that's another example but uh I mentioned her birthday but on Christmas she just wanted to buy little kids toys to give them the kids and ice cream because they didn't have any I mean they didn't own any toys so that's what she wanted for Christmas was little kid toys to give them away it shows what kind of person she is and what kind of person it's easier to find abroad I'm not saying you can't find it in the States but it's just very rare over here it's a lot more common and I love it I'm saying humble and I'll keep this brief but unfortunately in the U.S I would ask a lot of girls to rate themselves on one to ten and pretty much everyone would say they were in between a seven and a ten everyone thought they were just awesome and they were almost perfect looking and I would usually think they're like a three to a six but I wouldn't say that to them and then I made what I consider to be a beautiful woman and then she just thinks she's average okay well to me it's very rare but right that's what I mean she's just very humble she's not walking around with an attitude thinking oh I wear size zero pants I should be cocky at the gym that's just not that doesn't happen in the gym you can see the pretty girls they always have an attitude because they know that they're smaller yeah they were very very common here too being small so right that's what I mean so it's so common that it's not um it doesn't give them an attitude they just they're very humble yeah you eat you eat some also you save me money sure that's good that's good because you don't eat small portion of me then Nick rice but I don't grow yeah okay so it's good that I made someone small because it helps me with my food budget which is like 80 a month so anyways commitment uh Ray bro learn her language and culture or you'll fail there that's just general advice for you becoming an expat dude first of all this passport bro stuff if you're going abroad for marriage and not just traveling and having fun if you're trying to marry and settle down somewhere you don't want to come bring them back into a society that's already on the decline how else can you really say it degrading our culture is degrading before our very eyes our infrastructure is crumbling before our very eyes our schools and our colleges are getting indoctrinated and radicalized before very eyes the reason you get your passport is to leave not come back why do people keep saying yeah don't bring her back yeah you got to learn their language you have to do that any way to be an expat the point is you live in another country to maximize your dollar why would you ever go back you don't go out there temporarily bring them back and then oh yeah expect everything to be peachy you're gonna be bro broke again you're going to be barely surviving again your salary is not enough to cover any decent lifestyle start a family out here so what it what are we repeating the common sense things that you need to do when you prepare to become an expat well that's abbreviation but commitment over here is taken a lot more seriously oh and I just want to say again I'm not going to insinuate or say that everyone in Western culture or everyone in the U.S or Canada doesn't take commitment seriously or marriage seriously you have to understand over here divorce is illegal so when you look at the actual statistics for people that have gone and gotten an annulment it's less than four percent divorce is illegal in the Philippines I didn't know that and the reason why is because their culture they're raised to know that divorce is illegal only marry the right person because you can only do it once and you can't divorce them so they're brought up that way and they cherish it and they know how serious it is where unfortunately in that wild in that wild out here we have no fault divorces over there divorce is just illegal period so you better pick the right one she can't leave you and take you for half your [ __ ] heyo in the U.S I mean the statistics are what 50 or maybe a little over at this point uh but it's nice to look for a brighter wife in another country where they take it very seriously Maybe kind of respect that you're gathered and one last night yeah I mean to your family it's a marriage is a very religious thing and our family is very religious so they don't take marriage lightly so I respect that yeah they have always go to church but us but we should go to church more actually but don't actually blame me someone likes to sleep in so I waited and she's like yeah we'll go to church and I'm like okay well we're 10 minutes late and you're still in bed so I don't think we're gonna make it but anyways that that's a that's another topic for another day it's that that's up to you you don't have to I could read I have to say that grateful and appreciative appreciative because we take a lot of little things for granted and then you go to a country where having water having shelter having food having your family around you is the most valuable important thing and we forget that so we're constantly complaining about things we shouldn't and they're very appreciative for the things that they have so they're not complaining about the things that they don't have got a really good question here you rightly advise people to be a part of a Brotherhood how would you accomplish that overseas it's the same process as you would here in the states man obviously you have to put yourself out there in the sense of for men the easiest thing is to go to an MMA gym you're in the Philippines if you're in Thailand if you're wherever you are Dubai doesn't matter you have to put yourself out there and find like-minded people quite a few people speak English so if you're from an English-speaking nation and you go overseas and become an expat and you have to start over with friends and everything it's not that it's not that difficult you have money to spend you have a ton of expendable income now as a result of living overseas where you can actually afford to go out and do things and be a part of clubs and go to the gym and get private lessons or not or with a group or there's so many things that you can do in order to meet more interesting people because your dollar goes further in the States you might be budgeting you might say no I can't take that road trip no I can't go visit that restaurant no I can't afford that gym lesson there's so many things things that are constraining you from going out there and finding a group and then there's Facebook by the way for expats all over the world they can tell you there's a Facebook groups and other social media groups where expats gather and they help each other out so for example say look like this guy said rock climbing um say you just freshly moved to whatever XYZ country they will have a group for say Brits moving there Americans moving there and say hey just moved to the Philippines would like to meet make some friends and find out whatever what are the best spots in town to eat best beaches to Surf best mountains to climb best trails to hike whatever it is you can find that there's going to be a bunch of people are going hey welcome to XYZ country I've been here I've been here for a couple of years let's go out have a drink and I'll show you around it's that simple man don't overthink this stuff the most important part of this is figuring out a skill something that you can essentially do remotely so you can have your American salary over there with their cost of living in whatever country you so decide okay this doesn't have to be just strictly Philippines or southeast Asia or where it could be Latin America it could be Asia where wherever you want man it's not really important just go to where the culture and the people mesh well with you the most and you will find a community of expats to help you settle down and put some Roots down and they'll make the transition easier for you it's all it is and then Ryan thanks for the 50 brother you're wild if you bring them back you set yourself up for failure you're putting yourself back in the same situation you left but now a 9 or 10 while you're still a five or six after a few years she will find out about no fault divorce and move on to another and I think Ryan said earlier that he knows firsthand this experience because this actually happened to him so there you go so I mean I've done a video on how my wife changed me I'm not gonna get into all that right now you can watch it if you want but it's it's changed me I mean that's the Ice Cube story it's definitely it's a positive thing knowing how appreciative she is and grateful she is it's just amazing where in the U.S I'm not going to be negative I'm trying not to but you buy someone a nice gift um and then it's not nice enough or they they want more and over here if I bought her some eggs and a thing of rice or something she would smile and be thankful for it because she knows that's important to have food they're not complaining about the little things that's uh that's pretty much it I tried not to make this video too dull and I was trying to make it positive but yet touched some tricky topics that people rather not talk about and I know this from being in the U.S and dating someone overseas and being engaged and marrying someone a lot of people are uncomfortable or have a hard time talking about it because a lot of the population just starts kind of attacking people and when I say that I I would see people first hand well why aren't you just finding someone locally and they would actually get upset but the fact is when you go through these things it's very hard to find I mean you take two or three or four of the things that were important to me it's almost impossible to find them combined let alone all the things I mean I could not find a slender attractive girl with an accent that cared about Traditional Values and was giving and wasn't materialistic I just hate to say it but that was that was harder than finding a unicorn it just didn't exist so I understand or just looking overseas and it's easy to find anyways I hope we kept easy it's easy to find this video happy we try I cannot like asleep or something because it's more it's my heart's still shh yeah we're trying to say a lot of these things politely without defending anyone because I'm not judging guys we already know we've seen Pastor bro videos from Western women and we know exactly how they feel and what they try to say to this man and his wife there you go that that is a positive video on passport Bros I don't let's not even call it passport Bros on men just going overseas for relationships marriage love a new life ...

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