EXPOSING how Women Stay SINGLE even when in a relationship (Who she craves to cheat with)

single woman for relationship so what I'm going to do in today's video is I'm going to expose to you the truth of how wom...

single woman for relationship

so what I'm going to do in today's video is I'm going to expose to you the truth of how women will stay single even if they're in a relationship okay and what that means is none of them are actually taken what that means is all of them are looking for the bigger batter option okay and not only that what you have to understand is these problems that I'm about to address are only going to get [ __ ] worse that means in 2023 if you think it's bad now and you want to turn a blind eye and neglect this you're going to be in for a very rude awakening and you're going to be in for a rude awakening because throughout 2024 2025 2026 through the next 10 years okay as social media becomes more and more popular as women are more addicted to their phones and comparing themselves to every girl on Instagram with a fat ass now more than ever before you're going to have to know the truth okay which means if you're a guy who doesn't have a lot of dating experience okay you need to make sure you absorb content like this before you actually step out into the field or you're going to get your ass handed to you because most guys don't have a lot of experience now despite this despite things that despite the world okay that is going to get very worse like far worse when it comes to the dating game over the next five to ten years okay there's good news for you the good news for you is that you have access to the information that I'm giving you on camera here the bad news for the 99 of the masses and I genuinely [ __ ] mean that every time I make that comparison it's not to polarize to be like oh you're part of the one percent you're super cool no like I'm dead serious 99 of guys if you wind up 99 of guys in a row and you said do you understand masculinity Concepts and female Dynamics and how to date most of you guys would have no clue so truly most guys don't consume stuff like this so you do have an advantage because 99 of guys over the next five to ten years are 100 going to continue to put more and more women on the pedestal continue to devalue themselves more than ever before and consistently feel as if they're lower value and basically losers and will do anything for the attention or the approval of any [ __ ] woman just to even have a girl talk to them okay this is not healthy but I need to show you how women stay single obviously all of you know that girls have social media okay here's the thing that not a lot of people on the internet tell you the one man okay that wins over a woman's heart okay the guy that she is constantly craving day after day okay or the one that got away or the guy who she's sizing up on social media or the guy who she's wondering if this is a bigger better option than her current boyfriend okay the one man who typically will make the biggest not only imprint on a woman but psychological impact to the point that she's comparing how this man behaves to all of the other men it's not height okay you need to know this you need to you need to know this it's not height it's not income it's not even masculine frame what it is it's who [ __ ] them the hardest and the best in bed you need to take a second and just let that sink in okay the guy who was their sexual best in bed is typically their level or their standard okay of what they think that they need to have 24 7. and here's what I mean by that you will typically have that guy who let's say rocked their world in better you will typically have that guy who was the best sex that she ever had okay that man a few things will typically happen number one okay the relationship will fizzle out typically like usual maybe he will start to go soft or love her okay or regardless as he starts to go a little bit weaker and softer she loses respect for him therefore she'll leave that's a first option the second option is he will have multiple women and she can't take it therefore the will cause turmoil okay or it will dissolve or three he'll typically leave her okay those are the three things that happen Okay this guy okay is still in her phone this guy is still following her and she's following him on social media okay now when you multiply all of the levers that you look for and all of the levers would be all the inputs and outputs availability for messages I'm talking Facebook Messenger Instagram messenger Snapchat Tinder Bumble hinge okay and then Instagram WhatsApp telegram you would be amazed how many women will actually hide their messages too in different apps in different areas and the other guy who's either potentially sleeping with her or has slept with her in the past knows where to contact her and will oftentimes be able to still sleep with her and have access to her even if she is in a relationship with you or with anybody else okay you have to know these things they will hide these sorts of messages the reason why I'm exposing this is because all women okay and I mean all of them have a certain level of impact by a specific guy that they're comparing all of the rest to and the way that they stay single even while in relationships is using apps like this and is using their social media leverage to gain the attention and the approval not only not not just for somebody they have slept with in the past that could potentially rekindle but what I'm telling you is with women with women a big thing that they love is imagery and Imagination when I say imagery and Imagination when they see a guy on social media okay maybe there's something about him and I don't care what the Avatar what the archetype is I don't care if he's the rock star the rapper the bodybuilder The Playboy the [ __ ] Cowboy whatever it is there's some masculine archetype that he has the billionaire the guy on the Jet doesn't matter maybe even the guy in the robe with a light stick but I'm just kidding [ __ ] all you what she's going to be doing if she's going to use imagery and she's going to use imagination to think what he might be like okay that one bit of imagery and Imagination of painting a picture in a woman's brain that can create some sort of artificial desire without her even meeting you it's one of the strongest levers to attraction because it creates the what if Factor okay those of you who've seen other videos with me where I talk about the what if factor with women it's extremely powerful they start to imagine what he might be like how he might sound okay what they'll even do is they'll even imagine if they were in bed together what are some of the things he'd be saying to her okay how is he going to make her feel you have to understand the truth as to how women behave okay and you have to be able to see the truth of how they stay single even if they date a guy now there's two bigger points to this on the grand scheme of things so stick with me because the rest of the [ __ ] is [ __ ] important okay the next thing you have to understand is for those of you sitting there right now scratching your head and you're sitting there going well why would she even date in the first place then if she constantly wants the bigger and badder deal why would she even have a boyfriend why would she even put a guy through that strictly for one reason she is lonely just like you're lonely okay let that sink in 99 of guys sitting on the internet looking at this content 99 of guys looking at any self-improvement content 99 of guys trying to figure out any ways to make money 99 of guys figuring out anyways to improve their frame improve who they are are lonely don't have any options and are figuring out how to acquire those options I'm gonna let you in on a little news flash women are the exact same way and the reason being is because the options that she has most of the time since the guy doesn't demonstrate any value she doesn't want 99 of them women are naturally biologically hardwired to be much more choosy okay and women don't like most guys so I know that you might be sitting there thinking well at least she has somebody well you know at least she has somebody you know like at least there's people in her inbox it doesn't matter she doesn't want them you're not going to change that either that's their nature that she doesn't want any of those guys so she gets into relationships for the emotional security she gets into relationships to have somebody to talk to to lay with at night you would be amazed how many men will lay with a woman in bed okay and watch her phone buzz and go off with notification after from man after man after man after man after man okay they do this and they get into these relationships because they're lonely and because they still want somebody just to be there just to give them attention just to validate them when they're having a hard day okay somebody to lay with to take the stress off of life not only that they want somebody to potentially build a future with that will give some sort of emotional stability excuse me not emotional stability Financial stability this [ __ ] is very much for them when they get into a relationship and commit to a specific guy it is for them which is why for you to completely close off your options okay for some promiscuous chick online okay who oftentimes parades around and acts like a bimbo okay when every selfie is with her duck lips and her ass sticking out I have to scratch my head and ask myself what the [ __ ] are any of these guys doing but then I remember just how few options men have which leads me to believe one thing okay the world as we see it the world in general right now the world okay how men operate how women see men the world is very very very uncomfortable at the root of male nature when you get right down into it the world is very very uncomfortable when you look at Dead in the eyes and you realize just how much control men want I'm going to let that sink in just how much control men want every man wants control within their relationship and the reason why he wants control meaning yes that you you can have that app and I I like you should have that you shouldn't have that okay I'm setting the rules I'm setting the frame for the relationship the reason why deep down every single man wants control is because he knows damn well he has to have it or shit's gonna go south real quick in a relationship a woman is not able to set the frame and the boundaries for healthy relationships to have happen and the reason being is because that is one hundred percent the man's hardwired Duty however since men have been convinced through downplayed terms that make them feel less than for example if you want to exercise any amount of control or stability or rules or frame within your relationship such as if you are going to date me you will not have male friends or if you're going to date me you will not have Snapchat with all of these guys talking to her to you or if you're going to date me these are the expectations that I have the reason why men are so afraid to do that is because there's been propaganda around not labeled it as insecurity so what the world knows as the world knows that the biggest way to get at a man is you sit and you chip at his ego and if you can chip it as ego you can start to make him question himself and lower his self-confidence [ __ ] all that you have to be able to spot this [ __ ] every single time the world wants to label you with something a label created oh you're an [ __ ] oh you're [ __ ] insecure oh you you're too controlling oh were you raised that way every single time they try to get you to do that [ __ ] all of that because you need to know you need to have stronger self-assurance within yourself that says look I am not afraid to follow my intuition because I know what's right and I know that the more [ __ ] that I put up with the worse my relationship and every relationship is going to be for that matter because the woman does not want to have to set the frame in the expectation a woman wants to be led if you know that and you accept that truth it is now your duty to operate life on your own [ __ ] terms now that does not mean in any way shape or form to be evil and manipulative there are some women who are not going to want to get on that agenda [ __ ] it okay because just like how a woman will reject you for not being masculine enough the beautiful thing is is you can look at her and say well that's great because the relationship is dissolved because you're not like she's not what you're wanting the key is to have an actual standard so when she doesn't meet that femininity standard if she doesn't want to follow the lead of a man if she doesn't want to get on board with his plan if she doesn't want to follow the rules and yes I am going to call it the rules of the relationship because somebody has to [ __ ] set them and it sure as hell isn't going to be her she ain't gonna do it so who's gonna do it what's the expectation for how we both have to act there isn't one okay you're now able to say well okay cool you're not what I'm looking for so yeah I'm going to find a woman who's more feminine who's going to get on board with my plan here's when the Rules start to change you need to stick with me on this video because this is important The Rules start to change okay the world demonizes and and scrutinizes men for being controlling or they scrutinize men for wanting to have a standard and an expectation for how their female is supposed to behave the world wants to make you feel like you're a bad man for doing that until one thing happens can you guess what that thing is the one thing that changes all of this [ __ ] is when you become successful okay when you become successful and you become somebody and I'm not even going to say successful I'm literally going to say when you become attractive okay when you look like a masculine man when you have muscle when you have low body fat when you look like the type of guy who can fight who can protect who can defend who doesn't put up with [ __ ] who also has resources who has options when you can finally be the man who look like how you're acting is congruent with who you look and who how you look and who you are all three of those things have to be you know in an alignment how you look okay who you are and what you say you are when all three of those things are in alignment and you actually become a man now all of a sudden the tables change and now all of a sudden when you exercise that control it's sexy now when you exercise that control it's dominant okay before it was insecure before it was you're a loser before it was all look at you trying to be somebody until you actually become that man and now you start to exercise these things well now all of a sudden it's he's hard when all of a sudden it's yeah I want to get on board with that yeah I'm ready and I'm willing to follow the lead of him all of these things completely go out the window so you might be sitting there wondering well how the hell does this have anything to do with how women stay single in relationships the reason why they do it and how it relates to it is because all of them are looking for that one specific man if you look at the movie 50 Shades of Gray this right here is the exact reason why was every single woman's fantasy okay let this sink in for just a second in the movie okay you had a man who completely [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of her you had a man who completely did whatever he wanted you had a man who sent every guideline frame and Boundary how the communication would happen you said he set the frame for when the conversations would happen how other women would be introduced into the picture and she had a gravitational pull she had she had a pull sexually and emotionally towards him that was Far stronger than any other man now at what point did women flip the switch and go from that's insecure and he's controlling to that super hot and I wish a man would [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of me like that at what point did that happen take a look the point only happened when he was fit he was lean he was a billionaire and he had things going for himself and his business was the main priority factor in how he lived life so for those of you out there where you're saying you know the world shouldn't be this way or women shouldn't act this way or I should be able to be a loving guy or a caring guy and she should just like me for me great you might think that way but in practicality that's not what they're attracted to so if you can see live and In the Flesh in your own eyes what the [ __ ] they're attracted to I believe it's your job to not be such a dumbass and actually follow it follow it and understand it to some degree so that way you can get ahead in the dating game instead of be at the disadvantage because right now 99 of guys are at the disadvantage because they're so stupid and so stubborn in their ways of how they think things should be when in actuality like the world doesn't lie okay attraction doesn't lie what she's attracted to isn't it isn't it isn't a choice between yes or no what she's attracted to like like dude you you you're not going to be able to necessarily control what you feel arousing and what you get a boner from okay when you have a specific woman in front of you it's the same goes for women so no matter what you were sold no matter what bag of beliefs you were sold no matter what [ __ ] and what propaganda you were sold that made you believe attraction and Romantics and arousal and desire should be a specific Way in real life it isn't which means once you start to see this okay the whole point of life is to survive and replicate if you're surviving but you're not able to replicate and all of your other ancestors were before you all of your other like whoever lived before you in your family bloodline and tree was able to and you're not you have to actually look at that and say what do I have to do to improve what do I have to do to get to the next step what do I have to do to scrap my old identity that's not serving me replace that old identity with a real identity that's more congruent to who I want to be and grow as an individual okay this is how women stay single in relationships is they keep their options open until that specific guy will stick with them or until that specific guy potentially matches up down the road to the one man that they wanted and to the one man that screwed them the the best and the hardest in bed that made them feel most feminine that's the actual fact that's what most guys are not telling you and this is why it's your job to get ahead now what I did okay to help you get ahead and I understand I'm putting a link I understand I'm plugging something I understand yes I am trying to go down below and get you to watch a presentation I created the mvt webinar and the reason being is because over the past couple years I stuffed 3 000 guys into a specific mentorship and it completely changed their life I want you to think about just how many people that is for a second like if you compare like my audience size to the amount of people like um or like all of between all social media and all of the stuff that I've ran and the people like the amount of people who know of myself compared to that means like one percent plus a little over one percent of people is in my product that's really high and it's really high because when I've had testimonials of guys who've implemented the way I have thought and I've behaved my entire life and then went on to get the girlfriend of their dreams or then went on to add a rotation of women for once instead of being at the disadvantage and being left for the Playboy or when I've seen guys actually use this to go on and get married in the real world and start a family despite every other influencer telling them that marriage is a Croc you have to understand the level of belief that that makes me build in my own [ __ ] so if I think my shit's good and if I think it's worth showing there's absolutely no reason why I wouldn't put it so those of you who comment and you're like oh you know you've watched these videos and then you want us to watch something yeah I do because if it's for you okay if you calculate all the other stuff that most men spend money on between video games only fans all this [ __ ] most of the stuff people spend their money on in general doesn't serve them to begin with so when I watch guys copy these strategies into their life and actually get ahead or level up and get the dating life of their dreams or start to level up and become the man they want to be and level up financially that's the biggest rois within yourself and that's what women look for and when I created MBT it was so you can understand the key masculine behavioral techniques to win in 2023 2024 and so on and while the rest of the world Burns okay well the rest of the world goes down this path that will consist certainly put on every single woman on the pedestal and most guys will consist consistently think they're less than at minimum at least you're going to have a leg up and that truly is what's important so you need to know this I've shown you exactly how women say single even while they're in relationships I've even shown you how there is certain propaganda to let you believe that your own male nature is wrong okay and that it's incongruent and that it makes you stupid or that it makes you insecure and that is completely false and I've shown you how to even spot the [ __ ] which means now you take this information and you go out and you apply it into the real world you actually use it to get ahead you turn off YouTube now and now you go and you work and you do the things you have to do as a man because a man's life is hard and it's supposed to be and in life you are rewarded for the effort that you put in hit the like button comment and subscribe and we'll see you in the next one ...

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