The Cure For Women Jerking You Around

women around me hi I'm coach Corrine and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to...

women around me

hi I'm coach Corrine and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be the cure for women jerking you around well I've got two different emails that I'm going to go through with you today and these emails what I really liked about them is you get the first guy that is not really handling himself that well he's doing a few things that make himself look weak in his text exchanges with this woman that he met he's trying to make a date with her but she's just kind of jerking him around you can tell he's being a little too nice a little too compliant and the second guy is doing a much better job of standing up for himself and so he sends in their exchange and they're trying to play on date say yeah I think we're not on two different dates with her so far but obviously she's still trying to jerk him around and what I really liked about the second email is I've said this many many times I've talked about in my book how to be a 3% man I've talked about it a bunch of videos over the years and this one you get a good sense of what's going on here is that when women are testing you in other words like in this particular case he's busy and he only has one or two days off a week where he can go out or make dates things of that nature and so he plans things in advance and this woman is trying to get him to just drop what he's doing at a moment's notice and make last-minute plans and so you see there's like three four five different ways to where she gets into cave even one time they're on a date she goes on his diatribe for about ten minutes trying to convince him why he just basically needs to be at her back and call now you gotta imagine a very attractive woman who has lots of guys that want to go out with her and she's trying to separate which guys are dominant and masculine and they're not gonna let her waste their time and which guys are weak and compliant so she knows who to spend her time with because if she's really hot she's really attractive more than likely she's got plenty of options so she's gonna look for the guy that she can't have her way with it's mysterious that she can't jerk around and humor and playfulness but also being firm is the right way to approach these things to separate women that are just tire kickers if you will to borrow a term from sales and somebody who's a motivated buyer if you will mean they're ready to buy what you're selling today which obviously in this case is spending time with you so with that said I got a quote that I wrote and they're going to go through the first guy's email so you can kind of see the way not to do it and the way to handle it the proper way to handle it because the first guy ain't getting dates he's just getting jerked around the second guy is getting dates but also I think he could probably could have been a little more playful a little more firm because one of the things that's that you'll notice is that when you really like a woman you're really [ __ ] into her and you're really attracted to her and you can tell she likes you maybe she thinks you're just kind of cute and you can tell if she's interested but she's not super interested you being a really super attracted to her and interested and this is a place I've come to in my life it's a lot easier to be this way with women you really like and you really want to go out with versus a woman that you're just killing yeah because you don't really want women you're not that into you're not really willing to try that hard and really get the best part of your personality into it and that's why humor goes a long way but the most important thing is you know as my book says woman of your dreams how to meet and date the kind of women you've always wanted not just an average mediocre woman because the reality is women that you really like that are really spectacular that you're really attracted to you're gonna have a lot more fun with and you're gonna put the effort in in a sustained way versus women you're just kind of settling for if you will it's really a part of you think about your closest friends your closest guy friend your buddies that you have the most fun with it's easy it's effortless to be with them you really like hanging out you have a blast together and vice versa and so if you're gonna have high quality friendships you also want to have high-quality romantic relationships because any area of your life you start settling it justified and all the rest of the areas of your life and it affects you in a negative way and this is what gets in the way of reaching your full potential because 95% of people you're gonna meet or settling in most areas of their life I think what is it close to 90% of people are out of shape don't work out or obese and the West now I mean it's just all you gotta do is go outside and walk around and look so if you take good care of yourself and you're slim you got a little bit of muscle on ya you're 95 percent head and shoulders above your competition makes things a lot easier for you so let's go through the quote and they'll get in this first guy's email the quote says women are attracted to men who display dominant masculine traits and that they can't jerk around they don't know what they want go for what they want and won't tolerate time wasters entire kickers women who have lots of romantic options often display flaky and decisive and inconsistent behavior to test the strength of their potential male suitors this is how they separate the men from the boys the boys will allow themselves to be jerked around toyed with and confused by their behavior which you'll see the first guy he's confused by her behavior the men will be direct decisive and gets straight to the point of making definite dates with a definite date time and place to meet or they will politely withdraw the offer and make plans with someone else who not only values their time but who is flexible easygoing and excited to make plans with them I wanted to accentuate those key terms they're flexible easygoing and excited to make plans when you rather spend time with somebody who really wants to be there versus somebody that you're kind of having to talk into it it's a lot more easy and effortless that way so let's go the first guy is even I says hey Corey this is Bob I'm a big fan of yours and I listen to your book twelve times and started the 13th time I love it every time I listen to it and I have seen lots of your YouTube videos - thanks for helping guys like me all over the world coach my question is that I like a girl and she's very pretty I know her on and a few months ago I gave my number to or on to give it to her because I don't see the girl too much well more than likely you saw her but you kind of bitched out so right away if you really like a girl cuz you said she's really pretty and you've interacted with her but you didn't do anything and then you're going to her aunt in other words you're trying to avoid rejection in person so that's not making you look very confident so right off the bat you're displaying weakness so keep in mind he says he's listened to the book twelve times the book three percent man is only helpful if you read it and apply it knowledge only becomes potential power when you apply it if you haven't started with three percent man yet go to understanding relationships calm the first thing you're gonna see in a mobile device is the email signup box and if you're on a laptop or a desktop computer it'll be in the upper right hand corner of every page put your name and your email address in air hit submit it'll take you right to the members area if you want to download it this is really important if you want to download it you have to do it on a desktop or a laptop computer you won't be able to download it on a mobile device because it'll try to take you to the Scribd site and they'll ask you to subscribe and pay like ten bucks a month or whatever the hell it is so I get some emails from guys doing that so if you want to download the PDF version from the members area you have to do it through a desktop or a laptop but on a mobile device you can at least scroll through it and read the book so I highly recommend that you do that right now maybe pause the video go to understand relationships calm and start reading the book so you can learn the fundamentals but again this guy's read it twelve times but probably hasn't practiced very often and you can tell he's really he's really not following what you'll see in a second what the book teaches so now keep in mind he's gone to the aunt which is gonna make him not making him helping him look confident let's put it that way so he gives the aunt the number and he didn't because he says cuz he didn't see her too much I'd say probably it's because he chickened out when he saw in person he says but no response came from the girl for the next few months and I never asked her aunt any kind of questions about her I was like if she is interested she will call me or otherwise I will find someone else because of your coaching well that's the right attitude so that part you got correct but then again you just you made yourself look weak it's better to do it in person be bold take risks young man but a few days a girl the girl came with her cousin to my gas station where I work and her cousin gave me her number on a napkin which said call me with a heart so after work I called her but she didn't pick up and so I texted her then then she said can you please text me because she is busy with her friends right now so I assumed he called her and then she texted him back saying hey text me so it's very masculine like I talked about in 3 percent man to call versus texting but either way you could text you can call I'm saying if you want to look more confident it shows more balls to call because then you can hear the tone or voice it's a lot easier to react to the tone or voice or especially if that phone call turns into a FaceTime then you can see your face or body language or physiology it's a lot better than just text because nine times out of 10 if you're trying to be funny through text you're gonna probably say something that's a little inappropriate especially if you're trying to be funny and a little cocky and it won't come off right so you don't want a sandbag yourself sandbag your success unnecessarily he says we exchanged a few texts and then I asked her out but no response came from her so these are the kinds of signs remember I talked about datings like game of tennis he texted her she doesn't reply back when he asked her on a date he says then I text her the next day and she started texting again so he sent me his text exchange was I might pull up in a second and go through it and then you can further see kind of where he's going wrong you see also she's just like you'll see in the second email this girl is testing him and trying to see what he's made of kind of playing games jerking him around and he's kind of falling for because he doesn't really know any better he says can you let me know where made mistakes or what I should do from here because I am confused so let me pull up his text exchange and we'll go through it alright so we'll call obvious we'll call her Jessica cuz I use that all the time and we'll call him Bob so here's his text he says this is his first one so hey Jessica this is Bob call me when you're free she says lol hey Bob can you just text me I'm busy right now so I assume that was because he called and then he texted her right afterwards he says sure no problem how are you doing today I would have said what do you guys up to today obviously she assumed he's texting her right after she left the gas station so I said hey what do you guys up to today instead of how are you doing - it's kind of boring hey how are you she says I'm good just going to get some food with some friends now what are you doing notice how she says what are you up to he says awesome I just reached the gym I'm going to work out who sounds fun with a little heart emoji from her he says yes it is I like it did you work today lol no I was off today but I'm at IHOP now eating and she puts a little laughing face with laughing so hard the tears are coming out the emoji on what you call that one I'm sure somebody will post it in the comments coach don't you know the proper names of the emojis so your response back it seems like you are in love with IHOP lol what days are you off normally she says Mondays and Tuesdays right now he says do you like Mexican food she says duh lol he says awesome you want to go to a real Hacienda on Tuesday night at 8 p.m. so she just leaves him hanging doesn't reply remember it's like a game of tennis so what does he do he so that text was it looks like he texted her the next day after he didn't hear from her so again remember he kind of made himself look weak he called then texted so he's kind of double texting they're not really giving her a chance to reply cuz a lot of won't do this guy's get impatient and they molt they send multiple text that makes them look a little needy and remember she's being kind of rude if you think about it if she's waiting the whole day or hasn't replied in a day sometimes don't wait a week or two just to see what you do because remember if she's got multiple guys hitting on her then you're like hey you didn't get my last text so which is basically what he says next he says hey Jessica I was just wondering if you were alright and reached home safely yesterday because I didn't get any text for you after the last text she says hey I'm okay oh well I just suck at texting I would have said well hopefully you're a better kisser than you are a texter but he says it's all good lol we suck at something what's the best way to communicate with you any options lol she says lol I don't know in person I guess he says well what's the best option in my opinion - and the best part is I can look at one of the best creations made by God you laying on a little thick there dude bottom lines you already texting her she knows you like her she says ha oh my gosh you're so funny thank you that's so sweet well I was serious about the creation lol are you a shy girl tho lol what do you mean by that she says well the way I saw you talk at the gas station and now texting I just feel that you feel shy talking to me I was just asking if you were shy and we need to meet somewhere maybe we can choose your favorite place where you feel a little comfortable and don't feel too shy so you're kind of making assumptions here but what's really going on and she's just tweaking your balls see what you're made of she says lol I like the idea have you ever been to Jay Gumbo's because that's the name of the restaurant not yet but we can but we can she says it's really good oh well or we could go somewhere we could get drink too so that's good and but what he says next is which is the best place you feel really comfortable so remember direct decisive get to the point extend an invitation he might her to join you now he's going where would you like to go your highness and notice what she does lol I don't know what do you like so in other words she's hanging them all back and basically saying make a decision you're supposed to be the man he says everything lol well what we can do is first go to Jay Gumbo's and then we'll see how it goes from there now notice what she does next laughing my ass off no I want to go somewhere else so she's kind of seeing what he's made of she's changing the plans jerking him around because she's got the impression that he's just gonna boom he's just gonna wilt all she has to do is try to intimidate him a little bit and he's gonna back down and notice what he says next well I can go anywhere how about you tell me the options you feel comfortable and then we will decide now you're asking her to be the man and make all the choices and decisions instead of inviting her and what happens next nothing she completely leaves him hanging so obviously he hasn't hasn't written in since this exchange so he's like what would I do there's really not a lot to do in this case you got to be patient and let her reach back out to you but I wouldn't be saying things like that I would say I would you know this Jay Gumbo's I said great let's meet if she when she says L left my ass off no I went to go somewhere L say no jingjing combos sounds awesome unless you got a better idea let's play on Jay combos you know what nights what night are you well remember she said Tuesdays are Wednesdays how about Wednesday at 8:00 or Tuesday at 8:00 whatever happens to be and see what she says and remember if she's really excited to see you and really likes you has high interest she'll make definite plans this girl obviously has really low interest so it was obvious she was willing to interact with you but because her attraction was low you really can't make a lot of mistakes in the text exchange and therefore that's why she kind of just left him hanging so the key is just let it be at this point you waiting for her to respond and if she does nail her down be direct decisive get to the point so what you got here to summarize is a woman with low interest not too into you but she was willing to give you a shot she asked you to make a decision and then you didn't and then you made a decision and then she says I don't want to go there I want to go somewhere else and what did you say you said whatever you want it to so it just comes off as very beta in your response and that's why she left you hanging you did you really couldn't make too many mistakes with her before she blew you off so she may reach out and what you'll notice with this next Iman to go through there was one time where she didn't reply to this dude for 10 days so he's kind of in a similar situation he met her on a dating app so let's go through and see what he did differently and so this guy's a little more firm he's not willing to let her jerk him around so he says hi Cory I met her I'm bumble she's so hot and was really cool on chat so on a Wednesday I asked her for her availability she gave me a maybe date for the weekend so I left it for another time remember as I talked about in 3% man if she's not willing to make definite plans she withdraw the offer and say well let's just do it another time if she's really interested so so no no I can then she'll make plans with you it's just a test of your strength especially if she's got lots options and like he said she's really hot so she's you know if she's on bumper or any other dating app she's probably got 30 different dudes throwing their dicks at her or more and probably several of them that are gonna be better-looking than you so your games got to be tight in order to get the date versus the other guys that she's chatting with so he says the next Monday I asked her out again so obviously I assume he waited a week try it out remember because we wait two weeks here she gave me a definite date for Thursday notice how her attitude she went from and the other thing is she could be in a different headspace maybe the other guys that she liked more than you and that's why she was like am I really that into this guy and maybe didn't work out with those other dudes or maybe they displayed weakness or maybe they blew her off and now a sudden you reach out a week later she's in a different headspace and boom she makes a date with you that's why being patient and practicing infinite patience and not being in such a [ __ ] rush can really work to your advantage and cause a woman who was just kind of like oh - oh hey I'm glad he got in touch with me and she's no she's more flexible now so the date went great and we kissed in her car a couple of times when she drove me home the next Tuesday so they went on on a let's see so they went they had a date on a Thursday so he reached out the next Tuesday which is what three four days later so we got Friday Saturday Sunday Monday yeah about five days later so next Tuesday I asked her out again but she told me that she did know her schedule so I told her to contact me when she figured it out there are a few if one of your friends is like hey let's get together it's like I'm not sure my schedule I mean I got some of my closest friends are like this and they travel they're busy they got [ __ ] going on and we'll try to arrange getting together for lunch or dinner or something sometimes I'm like hey what's your schedule he's like I'm not sure my schedule but you know I'll get back to you then sometimes it might be ten days because they're traveling or whatever and then alright I'll get a text ten days later or a week later he's starting it back to you sooner but you know just got back town or I'll be back in town Wednesday you know what's your schedule like Fridays Saturdays and whatever happens to be and we'll make plans if you think about it from that perspective you know they're your friend and they've been in your life for a long time so you're like oh sure no problem give me calling you back town or give me a call when you figure out your schedule or hey you know I got a lot of meetings next week I'm not sure what I'm vailable I definitely wanna get to lunch lunch together bro and catch up so you do that with your friends and so if you think about it the same perspective with women but what most guys do it's like if they don't get something right now I think oh [ __ ] something's wrong and they try to force things that's where you get double texting and things of that nature so I like what he did here here he says hey we'll give me get in touch with me when you figure out your schedule so ten days later so this is a week and a half later she contacted me on a Friday evening and I replied the next morning remember so she's trying to get him to drop what he's doing to spend time with her maybe maybe what happened was there was another guy she want to spend time with and things didn't work out with that dude and that's why she's reaching out on a Friday night maybe she got blown off and so he did the right thing cuz again he's only went out on one date with her and she waited ten [ __ ] days to get back to him so he waits till the next morning cuz let her [ __ ] wonder it was like she was she took ten days to get back to you you match a mirror back to her you get back to her the next morning you're [ __ ] busy let her wonder maybe you're out on a date with somebody else so he replies the next morning and then she replies that evening and then he replies that Sunday afternoon and asked her out again she didn't give me a day and so in a funny way I told her was was done so this is where we're starting to get into like I talked about the beginning of the video where she wants him to drop what he's doing it last minute cuz she's trying to test him so think about it she's got ten different dudes and all I'm gonna go out with her and she's trying to figure out which one is more masculine so she's gonna see which one she can get away with [ __ ] with and which one she can't so remember she was flaky when he asked her out the first time and then the next week she made a definite date they went out they kissed that's a guy shaking hey this is progressing now the average guy doesn't know any better it seemed like is there something wrong we had such a great time the other night the reality is there's you're just probably one of the many dudes she's talking to and you're probably not the one that's her favorite at this point and so by handling these things properly you can cause her you can you can actually be the one who raises her attraction level when there's another dude two or three other dude she's talking to they're way better looking and better shape than you so your apply Sunday afternoon asked her out again she didn't give me a day in a funny way so I told her I was done so again she's trying to be evasive trying to jerk him around trying to see if he's gonna be okay with being a back-up plan and playing second fiddle and in other words you'll see oftentimes and this happened this happened in a video I did a couple weeks ago I mean think it was the cure for flaky women I think it was where you see a woman trying to see if she can get away with jerking around the guy drops what he's doing to make plans with her and then she [ __ ] blows him off anyways and I was trying to see how compliant you are how masculine you are how much you're willing to let her waste your time or not so in other words so he says in a funny way I tell her was done that if she's not going to give me a definite date I was out of there so where'd you politely withdraw the offer in a humorous way you're not butthurt you're not offended about it you're just if you got several people you're trying to fit in your own schedule because you're busy yourself then you're not gonna leave your only one or two nights open for her to jerk you around you'd rather make plans with somebody who's excited and flexible like I talked about the quote to make plans with it shows that your time is valuable it is how does she is you're not gonna let this hot girl waste it whereas most of the guys she's talking to are gonna let her waste their time she seems scared so she rushed to ash me out on a Tuesday and we set a definite date so on Tuesday the date went great but at the bar she refused to kiss me when I told her to do it in a charming way at the end of the date she brought this subject of setting dates so here now she's taking a run at him to see what his compliance is and told me that she only plans dates in advance with friends but with guys she just plans at the last minute with guys that she's not that into she plans at the last minute because it's better than staying home and staring at the four walls remember she texted him late on a Friday night because probably her plans fell through he told her that I always plan my weekends in advance and left it at that in that moment I was so turned off by her that when she drove me home it was about to kiss me goodnight I gave her the cheek so that's kind of funny I would have let's go we'll go through what he he said he says happened here and it's good that he gave him he gave her the cheeks he's giving her a memory you're matching and mirroring her behavior she was shocked I told her if she's not gonna plan dates with me advance that I was out of there she tried to convince me for 10 minutes that it was okay for me to be your backup plan I always refused with a smile on my face and walked away so if she's shocked that you gave her the cheek there's like you look disappointed you really wanted to kiss me didn't ya then you grab her mouth and you slowly move her over and then you kiss her that's what I would have done differently in that situation but he got a little butter to get a little upset but I liked the fact that he gave her the [ __ ] cheek it's kind of funny as long as you're doing away with a smile in your face and it's like you don't really care one way or another you're just as detached to the whole thing is she is it creates attraction because it's you can take it or leave it as well if you have options and you have an abundance mentality you're not gonna care just try to convince her for 10 minutes it was okay for me to be her backup plan and I always refused with a smile on my face and walked away later she messaged me saying that she didn't know what to say that she was stunned the next day she messaged me again asking if she said or did something wrong or just a setting did just the setting dates matter I teased her a little bit until her that I would love to see her again but only if she was willing to set definite dates and advance with me good he's reentering again definite plans or no deal in a charming in a playful way she's trying several different ways to get him to [ __ ] cave on Friday morning she told me that it wasn't a date plan in advance but if she was that I if I was free that naming evening that she wanted to see me I told her I was busy but we could go out Sunday so notice what she did there remember what did she say to him I only go out with guys if it's a last-minute thing so she's texting him on a Friday night saying again on a Friday night because she's got nothing else going will you drop your doing and spend time with me it's another subtle way she's in the average guys gonna go this is great let me drop what I'm doing I'll cancel my plans with my friends and I go out with her because she's really hot so he says I told her was busy but we can go out on Sunday she agreed to it and on Sunday morning which was yesterday she canceled on me with a reasonable excuse but didn't bring up a reschedule because of a one-month trip that starts on Wednesday for vacations I told her it was okay and left it at that thanks to your book I was able to stand up for myself and don't didn't let her convince me to be your backup plan when you have done something different so the reality is is is that I like how you handled yourself I mean there's a couple things you know it depends on how much you like her like I talked about the video when you really like a girl and you're really into where it's easy to be playful and funny and say ridiculous [ __ ] that you don't really take things too seriously but what I don't like is that she canceled at the last minute she's purposely trying to jerk him around and have her way with them it's a little bit of passive-aggressive behavior and there's some women out there that it'll make a date with you in canceled last minute just to [ __ ] go to give you the finger cuz you ruffle roughed up their ego remember what are we looking for ideally what do we want I'm one with a good attitude who doesn't take [ __ ] too seriously it doesn't take yourself too seriously it doesn't take life too seriously she's easygoing she's flexible so does she sound somebody who's easygoing and flexible or she being really difficult unnecessarily my opinion you know it's like I wanna want to he's like oh god yeah she's clears her schedule I'm available Friday Saturday and Sunday I'd love to see her I'm available Tuesday Wednesday Thursday your I'm avail myself I don't to here but the lower the interest of a woman the more you're gonna hear things like this and like said he did it he did a good job of interacting with her so I think he did great dude you should be [ __ ] proud of yourself you didn't let her jerk you around he says I'll do no contact with her I'm sorry let me back up a little bit so obviously she didn't bring up a reschedule and he says because of a 1-month that starts Wednesday for vacations like tiller was okay and left it is that so he's going out of town for a month anyways so he says thanks to your book I was able to stand up for myself and not let her convince me to be her backup plan would you have done something different I will do no contact with her in might be vacations and if she does reach out I will keep it really short I'll be busy having fun if she contacts me when I'm back I will ask her out one more time so if she reaches out when you're on this vacation and you got time I was like oh I'm having a blast here but you know if you got some time let's catch up then do do a video Skype date let's have a glass of wine together something see if she'll make a date on video chat because remember you're not gonna see her for a whole month so again you're looking for flexibility and if she really wants to chat with you that'd be a good sign and again you're trying to see if she's flexible so see if she'll do a video day but if your schedules all jammed up and you can't talk to her I mean she wasn't really willing to go out of her way to make plans with you I mean she was really difficult and so you spent a lot of time texting and interacting with her and very little time going out on dates if she gives me another maybe date I will stop asking her out until she gives what I want do you agree well like I said I would look at a woman like this in this kind of situation is somebody just to get good with your banter skills and being playful and look at the fact that I mean she's not really opening the door remember I talked about the book the Adam Carolla quote it's like when a woman likes you the door was open and all you got to do is walk through them but the door starts slamming in your face you walk away and so she's not really willing to accommodate you so I don't see a lot of flexibility on her part I don't see a lot of her being easygoing she sounds like kind of a difficult pain in the ass Mia 49 years old I'm I'm the hard-ass at this point you know it's like because I've guess I've got kind of spoiled over the years and I know when a woman really likes me and when one does it and it's like I wouldn't want to put up with this but if you really like the girl and you have fun with her and you don't have a lot of other women that you can practice which she's good practice to see if her attitude will change but as you get good and especially if you get some good options you're just not going to want to put up with this particular nonsense so I think you're doing great dude here's to you here's to the three-percent Club you are definitely on well on your way so good job and if you like these particular mugs underneath this video you can click the link and go to teespring where you just go to teespring comm and search for coach Corey Wayne and find the mugs I've got these I've got I think come on man I've got no drama allowed I got a bunch of those got a bunch of t-shirts if you guys are interested and if you have a situation you'd like to get my help with could be personal or professional go to my website understanding relationships calm and click the products tab the top of your screen and book whatever a coaching option works for you and until then I will talk to you soon [Music] ...

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