BRUTALLY Honest Dating Advice To Young Men

relationship advice for men you're going to want to sit down for this one boys 65% of young men are single 40% of young men haven...

relationship advice for men

you're going to want to sit down for this one boys 65% of young men are single 40% of young men haven't had in over a year 50% of young men have three or less close friends 15% of young men have zero close friends 50% of young men aged 20 to 34 live at home with their parents it's not looking good guys it's not looking good but despite all these terrifying statistics the average screen time of a young man is 4 to 5 hours per day I want you to comment your age and screen time per day down below just so we can see how accurate this is but if it is true it is absolutely terrifying boys are taking 5 to 10 years longer than they are supposed to in order to become men and not only are we going through a masculinity crisis but we're also going through a maturity crisis just on statistics we know that men are unable to get into relationships men are unable to have sex men are unable to make friends men are unable to move out of their parents house and men are chronically online their phones or computers and this really bothers me because I don't think you deserve to suffer like this life is very difficult for young men and statistics like this they make me feel bad for all the other young men out there that are my age that aren't doing very good and I think that the reason men are maturing so slowly is a combination of several factors but in today's video I'm going to explore or one of them specifically and this is my personal Theory and the theory is that men are not maturing because of their lack of success with dating and women and I know that sounds a little crazy but just hear me up okay let's look at the facts there is a direct correlation between depression loneliness addiction low earnings and lack of sex lack of friends and lack of success dating wow what a kinky dink who would have fought that there is a correlation between being a loser and not being good with girls this is because in order for a man to be successful in dating he needs to be in good physical shape which requires exercise you need to have your own transportation which requires money you need to have your own living space which also requires money and you need to have at least the ability to make friends or have friends which requires social skills and in addition to this you need to have social skills which requires social experience and in order to have confidence you need to have previous success which comes from social skills friends getting a job and exercising and by the way guys this isn't even that much I know that this sounds like a lot oh my God I have to go to the gym I have to work out I have to get a job I have to have friends yeah it's called real life man this is like the bare minimum requirements of being an adult and you know that but for whatever reason like Society has has allowed so many men to kind of just hang out in their rooms and not have to participate right and I know what you may be thinking right why do we have to do all that that's not fair women don't have to do any of that so why should we have to well it's called history it's called Society it's called human civilization if men didn't exercise work or socialize we would still live in the forest bro and trust me you don't want a society where men get sex despite not doing anything we would basically go back to being Apes in the forest it'd be fun for a week right we sit around all day we just have sex and eat food but nothing would ever get done unless there was an incentive for men to be productive to be valuable and to contribute to society so the dating formula is actually simple in order for a man to be successful in dating he needs to be successful in general but men are not successful in general because they lack maturity so the lack of maturity leads to the lack of success which leads to the lack of success dating and I think that the reason men lack maturity is because society allows you to lack maturity your parents allow you to lack maturity your phone allows you to lack maturity and one of the biggest problems is access to porn you don't need to be successful to jerk off the porn it's free you don't need to exercise you don't need money you don't need a vehicle you don't need friends you don't need social skills or success in order to drop loads into the back of your desk therefore you no longer are incentivized to improve your life because you can nut despite being a loser nutting used to come at a price no pun intended in the past only successful men had the opportunity to nut now anyone with an internet connection and a private room can nut therefore men no longer need to mature right think about the right of passage between High School and college and becoming an actual adult in your 20s one of the main things to do to prove you are a man to prove you are masculine is to be successful by working on yourself as well as helping others getting a job and having sex but if you no longer need to work in order to have sex then you stop maturing because you don't need to mature in order to get it you stop maturing mentally whatever age you touch your peeee for the first time and huberman your social skills stopped growing in high school as a young boy you get potty trained no more taking dumps in the backyard Melvin okay you learn to ride a bike and then you drive a car and then you get a job to earn your own money but the progression of development with girls and social skills is not necessarily as linear I mean you do talk to them class and you're in the same group for school projects you ask them out on Valentine's Day and then you go to prom you know hug kiss touch and then eventually losing your your virginity this is what happens for most guys in high school like about 40% of men are able to get through this process in high school therefore by 18 to 19 most guys have enough experience under their belt that they Experience Momentum and this momentum continues for a couple of years into your 20s think about it this way if your life was a video game it would be like leveling up your education finances and understanding of women simultaneously but in the modern world dating is different men have increased anxiety and antisocial Behavior due to single mother households social media addiction decreased quality of education and the societal trend of treating men like disposable cannon fodder because of this men now associate women with negative feelings such as pain and rejection social humiliation deceits and manipulation jealousy anger resentment so like most things that cause you pain women is one of them so you avoid them just like you avoid everything else that causes you pain but that doesn't solve your problem it actually just makes it worse avoiding them is exactly what is limiting your growth as a man because how you do one thing is how you do many things single people tend to be very bitter about the opposite sex poor people tend to be bitter about successful rich people fat people tend to have low discipline they are addicted to unhealthy foods and are not mentally strong enough to exercise regularly and you can see this physically immature men are just as easy to spot because they're out of shape they dress unintentionally they cannot make eye contact with you and do not even have bare minimum social skills and The Losers of society that we always talk about the incels they're very hard to find because they don't go in public spaces their parents shop for them they sleep during the day and spotting a basement dweller is very rare it's like seeing a moose or a deer if you want to see what the YouTube comment section looks like in real life go to a 7eleven at 2: a.m. in the morning morning the downward spiral of the immature man this is going to sound harsh but I mean this in the best way possible I want you to understand what an immature man looks like so that you can avoid this lifestyle okay the immature men are the ones who have 5 hours a day of phone or computer use they sleep in and they buy their groceries from a convenience store or their mom buys their groceries for them immature men don't grow up usually due to a lack of Father presence they live with their mom who lets them stay at home without paying rent and live in their childhood bedroom immature men no longer have the funnel of friends coming over to hang out after school so their house has no new guests or social interactions and here's the thing which is a good thing but at the same time it's a bad thing your mother usually loves you so much that she allows you to be a loser in her house I will repeat your mother loves you so much she actually allows you to stay being a loser and live in her house she would never allow your father or a potential partner be as much of a loser as you are if your dad was as out of shape as you chronically online the computer as you making bare minimum wage as you if he had a job at all she would never have let him in the house in the first place she never would have even considered dating him because this is simply unacceptable behavior for a man but because you are her son she loves you unconditionally this safety and comfort allows you to stay the Manchild that you are so now you are a grown-up Manchild living in a house and you have no female interactions you are a loser because your mom is letting you be one Bill Gates now you only need to do the bare minimum to survive so when you have a roof over your head a private room Anonymous account highspeed internet you now rely into enely on the internet for your daily dopamine and pleasure and you crave to get that fixed daily everything you do each day is just so you can get your daily dopamine hit inside of your Echo chamber so to get this daily dopamine what do you actually have to do your rent is low so technically you don't actually have to work much or at all if you do still live with your mom so you have no understanding of working hard or earning your money you still need intimacy though but your need for intimacy and human connection is Satisfied by seeing little heads on the screen in Discord servers forums or video games your need for oxytocin and sexual urges are controlled by watching porn or jerking off to women online the same ones that often times you have bitter resentment towards which is a very weird thing to think about all these guys online criticizing women complaining yet at the same time they're jerking off the women it's the biggest irony right here's what's really scary about this right your body has now fully adapted to the system it has peaked okay so there's no need for growth self-improvement or risk because you have a perfect Echo chamber set up and this has caused you to stop maturing or aging mentally okay do you see what I mean you no longer have to go out into the world and do all these things because you're able to survive in this little Echo chamber right women intimidate you you feel unworthy you can't talk to them so you avoid them you don't approach them you have no friends who would ever bring you around them because you don't really have friends in general in real life you have friends on Discord but they're not going out hanging out with girls right and when you talk to women you speak to them with the confidence of an 18-year-old boy because you have not spoken to girls regularly since that age do you kind of see what I mean a lot of guys are mentally still in high school because they haven't actually matured since high school and I don't actually want this to come off as mean I'm not trying to be mean to you right now okay and if you're watching this and you're shaking your head like oh dude like he's not even talking about me good I hope not I hope that you don't relate to any of this man because I don't want you to be suffering right so when you think about all the things I just said it actually makes total sense when you think about it this is a super easy trap to fall into as soon as high school ends you spend more time alone you no longer have a routine to follow you increase internet use and your body and mind adapt to this new routine and after months and years go by it's like you've transformed into the indoor hermit version of yourself right now you might feel like a bum but deep down you aren't a bum this is just the bum version of you okay okay you're like a bum cocoon who's going to shed his bum skin and turn into a butterfly and start annihilating butterfly house Sex Drive is what keeps Society going look lots of people will argue with me here they'll be like life is about girls or sex but it's really just a futile argument all life is about sex humans are biologically driven to reproduce and even though we were smart enough to figure out sex without having a child it does not turn off our sexual desires imagine if as soon as you nutted once your body was like all right our work here is done we have made a child no more sex drive needed okay it's like when Rockets take off to space you ever see that how a rocket takes off and then once it's in the sky half of it essentially falls to the ground and we don't need it anymore because it's already in the air right just imagine that with your sex drive it would be nice if it works like that but it just doesn't okay that's why each day we go to sleep we wake up and we are horny again okay it's just our life's Mission but I want you to just pretend that this was reality right imagine if every human in society had zero motivation after having sex the world would literally collapse so instead of trying to fight your sex drive you need to accept it and use it because every day you sleep eight hours you wake up and are given 16 hours of energy and sex drive your body wants you to nut constantly hence the daily boners however getting sex is a challenge men must perform we must exercise get a job learn skills become socializers and socialize with other humans become a highquality dating option and then approach women and nature set it up this way so that men do work because as men we have the burden of performance that's why I don't want you taking this so seriously this is how life is actually set up we are meant to constantly improve and provide value to society because otherwise humans would be at the bottom of the food chain okay it'd be like Bears or Wolves or dingo or cockroaches running around running the show okay that's why it's actually a good thing when you put in effort and I know it doesn't feel like you're getting a lot of Roi right now but like once you do become a valuable person and you are productive to society it makes you feel good because you know that you're helping every other human okay and I would actually argue that sex drive is the fundamental thing that motivates us technically we no longer need needed as much as we used to since it's easy for us to control births and children but here's the thing our brain can't tell the difference right so when you are lacking success in mating then you feel inadequate you feel like you have low status and others also perceive you as low status especially women women perceive you as low status and as we all know men put women's opinions of them on a pedestal and this is why men are so scared of talking to girls in the first place just think about this right you go up and talk to some random guy that you don't know no problem hey bro what's up not an issue whatsoever right but when you go and talk to a girl you have extreme anxiety why because you care more about what they think about you especially if they're attractive and that is exactly my point men put women on pedestals by default by being attracted to them and when they are not attracted to you when you can't walk up to them and when you're not successful dating this means you have low status because deep down you know that you wish you were able to do it but you can't which basically makes your brain think that you're unsuccessful biologically hence depression anxiety and a lack of maturity so as you're starting to put together my idea of this video here Sex Drive is so much more than just dropping a nut it's the underlying basis for participation Innovation and survival of the human civilization that rhymed okay so now let's explore why you not participating is hurting your family friends and Society the immaturity crisis is leading to our demise and this might come off as offensive but I want you to see it as motivating okay because as much as it seems like I'm just teeing off on you right now I'm cheering for you and hoping that I am incorrect about what I'm about to say while you slave away in your Echo chamber everybody else in your country has to work extra hard all the roads still need to be built fires need to be put out children need to be educated old people need to be taken care of in hospitals Foods need to be transported to your local grocery store and your parents' lifetime of work has led to you living in your bedroom without paying for anything your bare minimum effort has led to you creating your own comfortable Echo chamber of being an immature loser in all aspects of life but especially dating everyone else still wakes up and goes to work each day they pay taxes they allow you to exist you don't pay taxes because you don't make enough money because you don't contribute enough value but the government takes care of you anyways but the government takes care of because they get money from the guys who show up to their job and work every day like real men people that contribute as low as you are meant to have some kind of disability or injury that prevents them from contributing to society the government takes care of sick kids veterans single moms people who are injured as they should but you are perfectly competent you are a perfectly competent adult male yet you refuse to participate because you do not have the maturity needed to play the game of Life your you're an adult but you are expecting Child Benefits and as long as you avoid maturing you don't realize how much of a waste of space you actually are and ironically one of the main ways men Break Free of this is gaining success with the opposite sex but here's the catch women will only show interest in you if you work a job exercise have social skills and confidence and the reason why is because these four things all provide value to society okay jobs generate money and complete needed tasks exercise keeps you healthy to prevent medical bills and taxpayer money taking care of your unhealthy ass like think about that bro if you're unhealthy you're going to need a lot of Health Care when you're older and healthy people that work full-time are going to have to pay taxes so that the government can take care of your unhealthy ass okay you also need social skills because they let you make friends which means you provide intimacy and love to others people that show up and work every day they need love to keep going they need friends they also need success dating but the only reason that they're able to show up to work every day is because they do get love right but if you can't provide love to them they're not necessarily going to get that love from somebody else which could actually encourage them to fall off the map and become immature and become an incel do you see what I mean so like you might not realize it but like you having your own life under control and hanging out with friends and making them feel good actually helps the economy isn't that crazy right and most importantly confidence is what makes you put all this energy into the right direction and you might not know what that right direction is right now it's basically any direction as long as it's forward okay the confidence to work hard the confidence to try new things and yes take risks socially by talking to women so Nature's Way of maturing and motivating you to do the things necessary to continue the human species is dangling the carrot of in front of you to to initiate action with no maturity comes no booty confucious I have a community and program called socializer school where I teach men how to approach and attract women in real life and we also just added a course on building a Social Circle and friend group in your city as well but most men join because they want to get girls but for the first two weeks I make them complete an entire self-improvement course that involves journaling and handling trauma anxiety and dealing with mental health issues because you need to have a healthy mindset to be successful at anything in life before you go and approach girls I don't want you going and talking to girls when you're completely negative about yourself right the point I making is I dangle the carrot of to the guys that buy my course but then force them to improve their life before pursuing women and it has worked amazing I've helped thousands of guys get amazing results and one of the most common things I hear from my clients is how joining my program forced them to get their life together in order to get dating results right right it makes total sense when you actually think about it bro there's no way that you're going to have the time skill set confidence or value to approach and attract women if you don't have your life together if you don't have your mental health together if you don't have your body together okay one has to come before the other or at the very least you need to do both at the same time but the reason so many guys get hung up on their lack of dating success is because they're not willing to do those things and then they're also at the same time expecting women to like them just as they are which is just completely ridiculous that is socialism that is communism all right it doesn't work I wish it did but it doesn't now socializer school is only for men who are working full-time and earning a decent income unlike other YouTubers I'm not going to like guilt trip you to join it's for adult men who have a job or run their own business already it's not for teenagers okay and that's what keeps our group top-notch we only accept high quality members but in the meantime if you are a young man and you do want to improve your dating results but you don't have any money I have plenty of free videos on my channel for you to go through so like even if you're super motivated to like learn how to approach and attract girls but you don't have a job and you don't necessarily have the money to pay to get help from a mentor or join a community of other successful guys you can still learn man that's my points okay now I want to touch on one more topic before we go the dating is a waste of time defense which I have heard so many times okay I'm sure you've all seen this guy in the comments section dating is a waste of of time huh apparently these guys have so much free time they go out of their way to click on videos about dating and then comment about dating and how it's a waste of time think about that just I want you to just imagine a 6 fo5 gigachad over a computer watching dating related videos writing paragraphs about how dating is bad you can't see it because it doesn't happen bro it's only the dudes whose parents pay their rent and they have no purpose and no success socially that go to the comment section and leave comments like that okay and don't get it twisted right I'm not saying that like dating should be your only focus obviously you need to make money too but it's like let's be honest guys all of the influencers instagrammers YouTubers that all say oh chase money women are a waste of time all of those guys chased women at the exact same time okay any YouTuber you look up to had a healthy dating life while they were making money they went out they made friends they got girls they were successful like again this idea that you're just going to go years in a tomb like some kind of Monk and then come out and just start slinging po what's the point of that you're young man why not actually fulfill your biological purpose while making money at the same time while improving yourself and that's why I consider dating to be like a really fun game to play because it forces you to level up every other aspect of your life in order to get success you can't do one thing without the other right now there was a famous Bank commercial here in Canada I used to watch when when I was a kid scoa Bank okay and the slogan was you're richer than you think let us show you how and I always like that slogan all right so let me tell you my new slogan okay you have more time than you think let me show you how stop using social media and YouTube and you'll save three to four hours per day use those three to four hours to improve your life and the girls will come and remember don't be hard on yourself bro the fact you even watch this far into the video shows me that you have the focus and discipline to be successful in life you're already better than 9 % of the other guys running around like chickens with their head cut off okay so please bro re-watch this video if you need to you can join socializer school if you're working and you're making money and if you don't have any money that's cool man you can join my free online men's community in the description below and I have a whole self-improvement guide that you can print out hang on your wall so that way you have like a daily habit tracker each day you don't know what to do oh cold shower exercise deep work approach girls like you can check everything off one step at time but you need to get through this sooner than later you need to mature because it's not just about you it's not just about your friends it's about Society in general it's about your bloodline it's about the future so hope that motivated you and I'll see you in the next one peace ...

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