Single Female (Full Comedy Special) | DAPHNIQUE SPRINGS - Stand Up Comedy

single females what's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up oh thank you I'mma kick it off at where am I at in my life I&#...

single females

what's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up oh thank you I'mma kick it off at where am I at in my life I'm single and some people get it confused when I say I'm single that I'm not out here dating like I'm not out here in these streets but I am you know I got somebody different every night you hear me but when I say I'm single I'm only single until I get married like pretty much I could meet my husband at my wedding only because my fiance didn't say I do fast enough you know that's life but I'm starting to realize being in your 30s is weird very weird for dating you know I see you shaking your head yeah and you got on a scarf so you gave up on life you know when you when your neck always cold you know you not going to get a man you know you just you know men like necklines you know it's crazy cuz being in your 30s is weird in my 20s boy life was easy dating I was allowed to be optimistic yeah in your 20s whatever you said you wanted a man you got it just like that and in my 20s I used to love to write list manifest I wanted a man that was tall dark handsome with muscles and a good hairline and I would get them but now that I'm in my 30s I'm [Laughter] realistic my list has really changed now I want a man that's loving caring supportive financially stable and a family man yeah look at the ladies like yeah we need a family man we just want them to have two eyes in a job that's it and I realized in order for me to have that new list that my lifestyle requires a man with body fat so now look at life different every time I see a man with a little stomach I'm like oh he got a good job yeah you got benefits I see it I get turned on by those dad bods now yeah every time I see a dad bod I know he eat I eat we eat life is different now cuz in my 20s I used to have a little fetish for six-packs if a man had a six-pack in my mind I was like oh I'mma have sex with him cuz ladies we know soon as we look at a man I was like oh if he had a eight pack I was like ah I'mma get pregnant I wasn't going to keep the baby I was just going to get pregnant cuz a man with a eight pack can't take care of a family no Financial stability at all he can't even feed you correctly because people that work out a lot they have weird eating habits they eat a lot of boiled chicken that's where you take a chicken breast you drop that in boiling hot water till it's fully cooked you take it out no seasoning you cut it up like cocaine and you meal prep that and you eat that every single day and I deserve a better lifestyle than that so now my 30s boy I get turned on by back fat that's my [ __ ] right now every time I see a man with all this right here I call him love handles yeah you got them love handles too look at your your arms ain't touch your waist and years I love it yeah just arms just always resting on it that's sexy every time I see those love handles I like to walk up to the love handle and slap it like it's a fat ass like hey she know then you got a finger just to tenderize it a little bit you know what I mean but ladies don't smell your fingers cuz anything you finger don't smell good lot of Lin inire sweat maybe a tooth you could get bit so you got to proceed with caution reason why I get turned on now my 30s by love handles is cuz I'm like oh [ __ ] he owns property that's that's a house body 401K body life insurance body you know what I mean now when I see muscles I'm like h apartment body ah now when I see a man with a sixpack I'm like run [ __ ] he got six roommates get out of there abort they bump beds it's scary so scary only reason I entertain being in a relationship right now it's only one reason my family is on my ass about having kids that is a topic of discussion every time I go home hey when you going to bring us some grandbabies and I was like don't y'all want me to get married first and they were like no we're past that come home a single mother that's all we want that's where you at in your life oh my y'all not going to wait because see my family think it's strange that I'm in my 30s with no kids that's strange to them because my mother got pregnant at 16 my grandmother had three kids before the age of 19 I was like Wow grandma that [ __ ] was hot cuz sometimes when we see older people we don't think that they had sex at one point in their life we don't look at them like that because my grandmother's in her 80s and she has the shakes so everybody treats her like she's old and innocent but every time I go home I like to remind her of her Glory Days I like to whisper in my grandmother's ear hey Grandma you remember used to be out here [ __ ] [Applause] and I like Grand you was [ __ ] she remember too she remembers and I didn't realize we treat older people how we treat children we just propped my grandmother down in front of daytime television and that baby sits her all day it's like giving a kid a iPad so she's been consuming a lot you know so the other day she tried to front me out because I'm in my 30s with no kids and she ain't seen a man around in years so she said baby are you gay I said damn girl my where you learn gay from that's Progressive she was like Dr Phil I was like no Grandma I'm not gay I'm by not bisexual bipolar and [Applause] men don't like crazy women anymore seven years ago I used to thrive you hear me you look crazy I see it in your eyes I used to thrive yeah you got crazy hair yeah you done you done did some [ __ ] I see it yeah it's crazy I used to thrive like I would key your car just because it was Monday yeah when you went to sleep at night I would cut little pieces of your beard hair off just to let you know when you woke up that I was close to your neck don't play with my love my ex I remember he used to go go to work every day like it was no problem one day I just laid in the back seat like I was in a coffin and when he got to a stop sign I just punched him in the face just in case he thought about cheating I want him to know I'm always lurking I'm like an insurance company I'm everywhere you can't be you know what I mean but men nowadays they don't like crazy women at all that's a turn off to them men nowadays they like peace yes you hear that number one survey answer says men like peace we're all to being that like peace clap it up anybody else yeah you see that ladies yeah see how proud they are that is gay as [Applause] [ __ ] real men don't deserve [Applause] peace matter of fact switch that liquor out and get this man a bu light you know what I mean and I used to be toxic but I'm getting less toxic as I get older you know as you get older it's a lot of energy to be toxic nowadays I have to sleep for two days if I'm toxic like it's just requires so much energy in my 20s teens I could like the city on fire and not sleep for two months just destroying a life you know what I mean but I remember recently you know sometimes people awaken my toxicity this guy sent me a dick pic so I sent one right [Applause] back you know what I mean just going back and forth for him like why would you do that I said why did you do that why is it ugly why is the floor dirty are you circumcised all this stuff I was send it back and it was just so draining it was so draining I was [Music] like and a lot of people they always like to question me they like yo dck you couldn't be that toxic what's the most toxic thing you ever did and I had to think long and hard and I remember I was in a relationship for seven years seven long years and we broke up one day and we just went our own separate ways and that's what I don't like about relationships nowadays you break up with somebody you could never speak to them again like you didn't exist every day with that person prior and that's crazy three months post breakup I was checking my ex's Instagram every day from my private page not a lot not a lot just like five or seven s times a day I'm already on the ground I might as well sang over there see what he got going on 3 months post break up I look at his stories and I saw that he had a new girlfriend and he took her to Hawaii and that had hurt my soul because I had been asking him to take me to Hawaii so he took her on one of my dream vacations even took her on some of the stuff I had planned three months post breakup they did the corniest thing ever they went to the beach and they put a heart in the sand and wrote their initials in the heart that was so corny even though I would want to do that corny [ __ ] but it was corny just three months post breakup so I sent him a text message and I said hey I'm [Laughter] pregnant yeah yeah yeah just to shake [ __ ] up a little bit you know what I mean you can't have a dream vacation when you know you got a baby on the way and I didn't stop there no my work was not done so I went on Amazon and I got a fake pregnant belly to silicone kind and I start doing weekly updates like Hey Y'all baby loading guest agenda his mother hit me up like hey can we come to the baby shower and I was like no forget y'all y'all not invited that lasted for about three months I was six months pregnant I was ready to get birth I was like yo I can't do this for another four months I'm done with this pregnancy so I just stopped posting about the pregnancy and I just started posting my regular body again but I didn't realize so many other people had got invested in my storyline so I start getting messages like hey Daphne what happened to the baby where's the baby the baby when is it coming so I was like oh [ __ ] I didn't think that far but I had to think quick so I loged back on the Amazon and I got a hospital gown and a little fake IV you can buy those just put it in your arm with a little tape and I laid a white sheet on the table and I was like Hey Y'all the baby didn't make it and him and that girl broke up and I feel good about myself that's why I tell any man who dates me if you want peace you better suck a dick cuz this [ __ ] come with [Music] anxiety I'm here to shake up your [Applause] life and the crazy part about dating period now is everybody's like yo you got to get on these little dating apps that's the thing now that's why it was so hard for me to let go of my ex this [ __ ] was over a long time ago but I didn't want to be be back out there in the world searching trying to meet people new because see what I don't like about meeting new people is I have to run through everybody that I don't really like in my life that I want to talk [ __ ] about I got to catch you up to date that's just too long you know what I mean I want somebody who already know to come in episode8 like I don't want to go to episode one again of my life but I miss man being aggressive I remember everywhere I went I can count on a man and be like hey but y'all men y'all lost that beast in you that hunter in you yeah look at the me and laughing like yeah men nowadays they don't even have that in them no more let me hear your [Applause] [Music] Beast I mean that's a good noise if you go to prison that is perfect [Laughter] you know what I mean but don't feel bad don't feel bad y'all look like y'all met at a Christian Camp so don't feel bad you don't know how to be aggressive that's I can tell that ain't in you got two parent household I can see it on your face people from single parents we know to be like hey our mama wasn't home but it's not your fault though it's no man's fault you know cuz the world got sensitive so nowadays A man just walking up to a woman saying how beautiful can be borderline sexual harassment ain't that right fellas yes yeah those are the men that's sexually [Applause] harassed yeah forget these [ __ ] all I said was nice titties and you got an attitude you shouldn't have came outside with those titties like sir they attached to my body they running my family I can't hide [Applause] them and it's crazy cuz I hate to tell you fellas if you ever been accused of making a woman feel uncomfortable cuz some men have if you've ever been called creepy or weirdo it's because of one four-letter word just four letters you're ugly some of you don't want to laugh cuz it hits home cuz don't nothing make a woman feel more uncomfortable than an ugly man especially when she out here thinking she look at her B and them troll just come up like hey how you doing you like oh my God call the police I am uncomfortable he is creepy and a weirdo that's why whenever I see people get cancelled in the news whenever I see people get canceled in the news I look at the picture and I automatically read the photo and I'm like oh [ __ ] Harvey Weinstein hash me too but if it was Leonardo DiCaprio in that hotel room I'll be like hash me next [Applause] I'll be in that hotel room like do me like you did that beer get another Oscar it's crazy that's why I tell some of my friends they be like women be tripping all the time I'm like nah you just ugly that's where that song come from u l y you ain't got no alibi your ugly ass going to jail that's what it is men used to have that beast in them like they be like heyy you could walk past a construction site now I walk past a construction site it be dead they just be eating sandwiches taking lunch breaks and [ __ ] I'm like y'all don't see me they like yo [ __ ] get out of here for you gets us in trouble damn it's 1,800 out here you know what I mean but I used to take advantage of men being aggressive I saw the shift post pandemic pre pandemic I was walking down the street past a group of guys it was three of them one of them ran up to me so sweet he said hi I said hi he was like how are you I was like I'm great he said can I get your number and I said [Laughter] no because I didn't know the pandemic was coming I thought I still had more days outside to reject more more men so I was arrogant I was like No And he said something and it stuck with me like glou he was like yo you're going to regret this and regret is such a strong word from a stranger you don't expect to hear that for regret like you don't know my life sir that actually repeated it back and laughed I was like regret haa haa I think about that man every single night I wonder did he start a family is he still looking for me here I am I have humbled myself did he catch Co did he make it did he get that promotion I saw it in his Spirit you know but my friend told me the other day she was like yo you got to be a little more aggressive she was like you can't keep waiting on a man to hit on you it's a new time I was like what she was like yeah go out there and get what's yours she was like you got the beast in you now and I was [Music] like okay but I think I took it the wrong way cuz I went out there and I tried to approach a man and I was like I just went up to him I just thought of the most aggressive [ __ ] I could and I was like yo give me that dick and he was like he was like yo what's wrong you good you got rabies I was like no I was just trying a republican approach just grab you by the balls you know what I mean let's celebrate January six together you know men don't like aggressive women though you hear him saying nuh-uh yeah my ex whenever uh I didn't want to have sex with him I would be aggressive I just jump out like let's [ __ ] men don't see that coming they can't get hard off aggressive women that's oh [ __ ] oh but I don't like to approach men at all nope I feel like men should approach women at all costs because men are used to rejection yeah men are used to rejection most men you ask them have you ever been rejected they say yeah I've been rejected what do you do when you get rejected ah next then they find their wife that simple women we get rejected it hit our egos boy that is enough to hurt you for life I'll never forget the day that I got rejected I was 13 years old I was madly in love with this guy and I did everything to get his attention and he just didn't love me the way I loved him so as an adult I went to therapy to process that rejection and the reason why he didn't love me the way I loved him is because he was my cousin couple of people in here from Florida Georgia Alabama Germany Mexico where we at you know what I mean Guatemala come on sometimes your first love is your cousin you know what I mean it's crazy you say that out loud in America and they think it's weird they like uh you would date your cousin but if you statistically Google onethird of the entire world actually marry their cousins so I'm very Progressive and I remember we finding out it was weird though my mother broke it to me like I said my mother got pregnant at 16 so sometimes the way she parent me was that of a older sister and not that of a mother so when she found out I like my cousin she caught me over one day she was like hey you got a little crush on your cousin and I was like no she was like yes she do I see it in your eyes you going to have a [ __ ] baby and I was like what she was like yep your baby going to be like and I was like oo I don't think you supposed to parent me like this where's Grand she's in her 30s we need a real adult over here to assess this [Laughter] situation baby your mama [Music] right and some people real they think it's crazy that I had a crush on my cousin I was 13 I never had sexual thoughts at all it never got sexual all my thoughts was just I wanted to be in his presence if he went and played with a ball I wanted to catch it and throw it back with him if he went to the store I wanted to walk to the store with him you know what I mean just wanted to hang out with my cousin cuz he had turned into a God over the summer you know what I mean came in with that six-pack that mustache started taking showers every day cuz 16 is that age when most men start taking showers every day you know what I mean you look about 30 so you only been washing your ass for 14 years I can tell yeah he like yeah that's about right and my mother she always wanted to make sure that it never went sexual so whenever she would see me playing with him having a good old time she would get my attention she' be like hey baby hey look over here at mama hey we going to watch that movie Radio again that was my favorite movie it's crazy cuz I've been watching the news a lot lately I used to not be a news Watcher at all yeah I used to be one of those type of people that get all my news off of social media they say onethird of Americans nowadays get all their news off of social media and I would just share whatever mve my spirit but then I would always get these fact Checkers like yo daque this isn't real news do your research and I was like blocked cuz I hate people who don't let you believe what you want to believe I'm just like yo stop trying to guide my life and worry about why you don't have a job you know what I mean why you ain't seen your kids in 5 years you on here telling me what to do dad but I started to watch the real news CNN some good stuff on there I feel like you got to choose a side CNN or Fox News got to always choose a side a couple people in the middle like oh you know I used to watch CNN and one news topic stuck out to me I saw that in Libya they're selling black men as slaves have you guys seen this no this is crazy that this is world news on the other side of the world history is actually repeating itself they're lining black men off of a boat dock and selling them into slavery and they're tall dark handsome with muscles and a good [Laughter] hairline and when I saw that I was like you need to tell me I can buy black man for $400 I go to Libya like oh give me him him him him him no not him him come back to America and pass him out to all my single girlfriends like oh you get a man you get a man so black man under your seat you get a man wedding season 2024 here I come like that's where I'm at in my life I would buy a husband some people like what I'm like yeah this just some 90day fiance type stuff yeah give me a little husband see because what I don't like about nowadays is that when people break up with you they can break up with you over the stupidest stuff back in the day a man could have five families in the same neighborhood come home beat your ass [Applause] didn't come home and people stayed with each other that was it that was life you know what I mean you like oh next time I don't not to put too much salt in the spaghetti and and you learn to be a better person but nowadays since men can't hit they just leave you you know and that's that's not fair to me I remember my ex broke up with me over to St with this stuff he said he said I was a nag that's what I don't understand about men we tell y'all not to do something one time two times three times and then after that you just claim we a nag but it's like yo just stop doing it it's that simple right you're causing me to keep responding to you not doing it cuz my ex he kept pissing me off because he kept leaving time on the microwave that's one of my underlining pet peeves I would call him in the kitchen like hey it's so simple open clear open clear open clear did you not grow up with a microwave and he was like why does this bother you so much because he wouldn't leave a minute on there most of us look through the clear glass you see a minute your food start smoking you grab it out you're not paying attention but he would leave five and seven seconds on there that's just speaks a lot to his character I was like this speaks to who you are as a person he said what are you talking about [ __ ] you're crazy I said no hear me out 5 to S seconds that you couldn't we wait that means that you're impatient and you don't like to commit and he was like yo [ __ ] you're going to die alone and so far he's been right see I want to be in a relationship with someone where the only way they can leave me is they have to buy back their freedom that is that is real love you know what I mean that's love where you got to learn to love you know he's just sick of my [ __ ] like yo I'm leaving I'm like what he's like I'm out of here I'm like huh he like yo I'm done with you and I'm like no no no no no no no I paid 400 but you owe me a million I think you just need a nap you sleepy I love you we're together I'm pregnant I was hanging out with my friend one day and she was like yo I hope Charles calls me back cuz I tossed his salad couple of people know what that is um yeah yeah you look like you know what it is Auntie why she don't you didn't stick your tongue out [Applause] like oh he just going to drank the beer on that one yep I didn't know what toss salad was cuz it's actually like a trendy term that's it it's very trendy I do know when you go to an expensive Steakhouse that a waiter brings the tray out to the table and he tosses the salad at the table if you like Caesar salad he going to put in lettuce if you like anchovies some people don't like it put it in put it out croutons poman cheese heavy or light dressing so I thought she told the waiter uhuh don't nobody toss my man salad for me and she got at up at that table and was like so I was like oh I bet it was lettuce everywhere and she was like what I was like [Music] lettuce you so skillful because most people eat a salad we take a fork and we put all the toppings we want on the fork but then you got skilled individuals that just toss that salad so I was like ooh lettuce and she was like what I ate his ass and I was like oh cuz I don't had a lot of salad in my life ain't none of it ever taste like ass you hear that Canada and I didn't know women had Advance there you know what I mean cuz when I'm friends with a woman we're a team like you're a player I'm a player we're a team if you TOS Sal you got to let me know that that's what we doing we go to Club and they like oh there go those girls and I'm like but I don't judge my friends you free to do whatever you want free to do whatever you want want but once you tell me something it's stuck in my head for the rest of my life I bury it in my subconscious and every once in a while it'll resurface my friend she asked me she said hey can I stay at your house for a couple days and I said of course so I went to Walmart and I got a whole bunch of plastic plates in civilware and I sat them on a little table and I said hey you're not allowed to put your mouth on nothing up here in the cabinets you eat ass everything you put your mouth on go in the trash cuz we don't do that around here cuz if you think about it I feel like eating ass is what brought Chipotle down y'all remember Chipotle remember they had to close 400 locations y'all remember that because the symptoms are the same you go out one night you have a lot of drinks you start off up here you fall asleep you wake up down here the next day your stomach don't feel right you like Oh no I got to go to the hital hospital and when you ever go to the hospital they always ask you what was the last thing you ate you don't see ass on that checklist it's not there you do see other you could pencil in ass but then you got to take that to the receptionist at the front and she going to be like oh my god did you pencil in wait one second let nurses doctors everybody stops saving that life janitor come over here that says ass and you don't want to suffer that embarrassment so what do you do you go back to that checklist they say what was the last thing you ate you check other and you pencil in Chipotle Dam damn they didn't deserve that so whenever I would see my friend I would make a little joke I'll be like ass [Music] I don't know why I talk in slow motion when I talk about she was like yo why you keep making these jokes that's not funny I was like you know I just be playing she was like no I don't think it's funny I opened up to you she was like maybe that's the reason why you're single I was like cuz I don't eat ass okay that's it's a little aggressive she was like no you should be more open to things you know don't knock something till you try it and when somebody makes a personal attack towards you that stuck with me so I went home late at night pulled over my app laptop made sure all the lights were off turned the volume down just to only where I could hear it and I looked it up and I saw a guy he was bent over a stool and the girl tossed his salad and he said oh and I was like oo it's the noise for me I don't ever want to do that cuz I don't want no man making feminum noises in the bedroom like oh I'm like he can't fight that's not a protector that's the type of man that wear flip flops in a fanny pack you know imagine somebody pull up on you like hey give me all your money you're like like stand up get out of that position fight for me if I ever toss a Sal I want that man to be like don't you ever do that [ __ ] again I almost punch you [Music] in where'd you learn that from huh all right do it again I'm like oh my God almost lost the [Applause] eye my last relationship uh my ex wanted to be 50-50 yeah any couples here that's 50-50 don't nobody ever want to admit to it it's a lot of people doing 50-50 I think 50-50 makes sense yeah women want men to Bear all the responsibility nowadays when women are working you know women are making good money too some women are making more than men nowadays yeah that's something to be a proud of you know back in the day you just stayed at home got pregnant you had to keep all those babies and that was your life you just raised them and let them off into the world just to do it all over again with your grandkids you know but nowadays we're able to be out here working being independent you know so I feel like 50-50 is fair but 50/50 has to be across the board a lot of men want you to do 50/50 financially but not in every other aspect of life 50/50 is really taking care of the kids cooking cleaning it has to be 50/50 across the board cuz I'm helping with the bills you [Applause] know but a lot of men struggle with that they want 50/50 financially but also want you to be a modern woman and my ex he was like that he suffered like that I remember we went to go visit his family for the holidays and all the women in his family make plates for the men so he had told me he said hey make my plate and I said I don't know what you want he was like make my plate okay and his grandmother over there looking like make my plate I was like and see I can't have someone talk to me like that because I'm going to be like yo you didn't say that last night when I tossed your salad and you was like oh you remember [Applause] that your family know you the pumpkin pie of the family that's for the white people black people is a sweet potato pie of the [Applause] family every time I go home to visit and hang out like all my cousins have a lot of kids like five and seven kids they from the south they just go to work and have kids that's their life and I think sometimes would I ever have a family cuz my mother sat me down the other day she was like yo these kids things gonna pass you by kids are gonna pass you by you know what are you going to do if you run out of time and I thought about it if I don't never have kids I think I'm just going to catch me a flight over to Somalia pick me up two kids come back with a whole goddamn family for $757 got my husband my kids we in America you feel me [Applause] [Laughter] Hey cuz I know it's a lot of kids in America that need to be adopted you know it's a lot of kids here that need homes but I don't know if I like the mentality of American kids if I could use one word to describe American kids parents it would be ungrateful you get these kids to world and they want more of your money you know what I mean see when I go get my kids from Somali I want child soldiers kids that's going to fight for me cuz anytime I ever talk to a parent who got kids they like I'll die for my kids I will lay my life on the line for my kids I was like but will your kids die for you you know it's been a lot of alien sighting I want my little child soldiers to be like I'm like yo put your gun down we in New York wait till we get to Florida you can turn up in Florida it's crazy cuz I had saw a viral video a mother had bought her daughter a brand new Tesla for her 16th birthday Tesla wow most of us don't have a Tesla I don't have a Tesla 16th birthday she bought her a Tesla I remember for my 16th birthday my mother bought me a 1996 purple jeep Grand Cherry keepy yeah and it wasn't 1996 at all it's much later the car was like 8 years old you know but I was so happy with that car this little girl came outside looked at the Tesla she said uh I didn't want a Tesla I wanted a Mercedes and I was like wow that's so ungrateful but that is kind of our culture these kids you know they want what they want they don't want what you give them and I bet that mother worked so hard to get that daughter everything but see if you got child soldiers they'll be like no mother we walk everywhere and those are the type of kids I want you know what I mean November 2019 my uncle passed from Co and a lot of people like what 2019 the world found out about Co and it shut down here March 2020 so a lot of people don't know that it already had to lead up to that pandemic so people were already dropping dead here's the thing about my uncle um he spent 35 years of his life in prison so his death taught me about how the prison system handles the death of inmates and I didn't realize that because you can't get life insurance on inmates at all so my grandmother called me up one day and she said hey baby we got to collectively get together as a family and help pay for your uncle's funeral and I said okay Grandma what are the options the first option they give you is they'll ship you the body for two $2,000 I was like Wow grandma that's a lot of money you know $2,000 collectively how much has the family come up with and she was like baby collectively we got $60 so we heavenly dependent on you right now and I'm the type of person when you put financial responsibility on me I give you other options I'm like hey Grandma just see if you can go down to the jail and pick up the dead body and throw it in the back seat of the car and double seat belt strap it in cuz life bodies tend to be loose and I don't want it to knock your wig off and my grandma's like baby it just don't feel right me being in the car with a dead body I said Grandma you going to be in the church with a dead body what's the difference she was like it just don't feel right I said okay Grandma what's the second option she said for $700 they'll ship you to ashes I said okay Grandma that seems like a great thing you can have them in the house with you always she was like no baby he deserves a go on her way home party I said but y'all only got $60 you asking a lot she's like baby just let try to figure something out so I thought long and hard about it you know and when I thought about it I was like all right Grandma I do have a third option for you for $400 just $400 $400 that's not bad y'all got 60 I'll come up with $340 for $400 I go to Libya and get you a son that look just like him [Laughter] thank you very much I'm DNE Springs have a great night hey everybody thanks for tuning into my first self-produced comedy special I appreciate all of Your Love support and criticism if you want to show additional support please head over to my website IMD to purchase Comedy Show tickets and merch all proceeds will go to me producing my next comedy special and I want you to be a part of that can't wait to see you live love you bye I remember uh this black lives matter [ __ ] that was crazy during the pmic and one of my girlfriends she hit me up and she was like yo we got to do more and I'm like what more should we do like we done been to 15 marches she was like nah but we got to do more and I was like well what else do you want to do she was like I'm sick of these cops killing black men and I was like but you done had 10 abortions you've killed more black men than the city of New York City like [ __ ] all your kids going to be in heaven like [ __ ] what who was you why you Marching for them other people why you ain't Marching for us and she was white I was like [Laughter] damn you better stop [ __ ] these [ __ ] killing these [Music] babies ...

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