Men (Over 50) Choose Women Based on THESE 4 FEELINGS (My Best Advice)

dating men over 50 i pulled 2 000 men to see what they truly need from a woman to choose them forever and we came up with these four ...

dating men over 50

i pulled 2 000 men to see what they truly need from a woman to choose them forever and we came up with these four things that keep a guy with a woman forever and i want to share it with you and we'll do it right after this i'm mike goldstein of easy dating coach here to help the women i love fall in love all right so the first thing is this acronym that i built it's called you gotta nab a guy so n double a b so the first one is making a man feel needed this is so important in today's world women do not need men anymore and we know this to be true every man knows this every woman knows this they don't need him anymore and he's feeling empty inside like he doesn't have a spot let me explain this a hundred years ago folks were getting married for financial security and just security in general now women are in the workforce women are kicking butt and they do not need a man for financial security they most of the time frankly that i'm running into women they make more than a lot of the men that i'm talking to so anyway we need to make him feel needed in a different way so that he feels like he has a spot within the relationship because he'd lost his spot as the breadwinner that's not what he's going to do anymore what he can do is help you with so many different things let me give you an example let's say you're on a date and right now it's winter time when i'm filming this hey would you help me with my jacket how great would that be if a guy came up from behind you helped you plop your winter jacket on made sure you got your jacket on first before he plopped his on imagine you're at starbucks and you forgot to get the sugar and normally you could just go get it yourself but you go to him hey mike would you mind grabbing the sugar for me i forgot it i'm like ooh i have something to do i'll go get it so i go get it and my favorite example is when i was living with my ex you'd be like hey mike you'd be so sexy if you vacuumed the house and so i'd go vacuum the house and then after it i'd sit down when i'm done vacuuming and she would jump on me and give me a huge kiss and be like you are so sexy like thank you for vacuuming you just make my life so much easier and better which that example brings us to the the a in nab so needed so first we made the guy feel needed now we make him feel appreciated men love this think about a doggie get in this treat men are absolutely no different and just so you know with my ex-girlfriend i taught her this exact formula i knew it was happening i still absolutely loved it so when she gave me the treat patted me on the head and said good boy i loved it and so do all two thousand men they love to feel needed so they have a spot in the relationship and then appreciated all right the next a so nab we're nabbing a guy needed appreciated third a is accepted i want to tell you about um my client isabella who is now been married for quite a while when she first met nick her now husband and well frankly still now and i've met him i met him on the wedding nicest guy on the planet but let me tell you the dude's social skills are not pristine he's a little out there he's different so think about college professor i think he's written like 10 books super smart think like smart scientist-y type guy but not the greatest social skills like you're not gonna you know be at a dinner party and him having 10 people around yucking it up it's not this guy but you know what she admired the crap out of him she came back on date six and they still hadn't kissed she wasn't necessarily physically attracted but you know what she said to me she goes i admire him so much he's so smart and isabella has has fairly good social skills and like so how's the social skills thing like is it bothering you she goes no like i just like adore this guy like he's so smart i'm worried that i'm not intelligent enough to talk to him and i just i admire him and so what was great about this story is she fully accepted the fact that maybe he didn't have the most amazing social skills but he brought so much more to the table he treated her like gold he scheduled amazing dates he made her feel special he picked her up he helped with the jacket he you know took her to um this amazing golf tournament and then you know was always escorting her helped her with his arm got the door for her and just made her feel like his queen and so in turn she accepted everything about him and who he was which really drew him towards her because not everyone culturally and in his everyday accepted who he was alright nab the b is boundaries i always describe boundaries as the road map to your happiness and so a man's primary goal in a relationship is he wants his woman happy because there's rewards to that he gets his second a which is or excuse me the first day which is his appreciation and his acceptance if you are happy he gets appreciated so he constantly wants you in a state of happiness now the only way this happens is if you communicate your boundaries if he doesn't know what you want if you're not giving him a road map to happiness he can't be needed he can't be appreciated he can't be accepted because he doesn't know what the heck to do because he's not a mind reader so this one's so important and you have to do it in a high-level way in a queen way so for example you can't say like you never take me on dates that's bad boundaries good boundaries maybe you haven't been taking on dates in a while you say to them mike i love our relationship and you would make me the happiest woman in the world if you take me on a date sometime so you're not nagging him you're not making him feel less than you're making him feel up here and just asking for him to do something that you want and then of course when he plans this great date for you you just go i'm having so much fun like thank you for this date and so that's it now you've nabbed a guy so once again needed appreciated accepted boundaries boom and that will have a guy coming towards you for the rest of your life alright folks if that was helpful go hit like hit subscribe and if this video resonated with you and maybe you'd want to explore some coaching with me go sign up for a strategy call um it'll be up here in the description and as the top comment and if you'd like to watch more content don't forget to go watch one of these and we'll see you next time you ...

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