Why Women Date Losers

women to date oh my God what is she doing with him he's such a loser she should be with me instead I'd be a much better choic...

women to date

oh my God what is she doing with him he's such a loser she should be with me instead I'd be a much better choice for her if you've ever had that thought even once in your life this video is for you and I know cuz I had this thought a lot growing up I was a guy who was an academic standout and I kept seeing girls dating these guys who I thought were losers I couldn't figure it out well guess what it actually does make sense and I'm going to explain to you in this video why girls date losers so to start off with two two huge disclaimers first of all not all losers get laid there are attractive losers and then there are loser losers attractive losers get laid loser losers do not okay so not all guys who are poor and struggling and don't shower and look like get laid it's actually relatively rare but there is a certain type of loser who definitely does and does regularly secondly even though some losers do get laid more often than not it still is the winners who are getting laid see it's a few specific traits these losers have that make them attractive and if there are guys who are winners with these traits they tend to do even better also there's a bit of a a bias in how you're seeing this cuz if you see girls with winners you probably don't notice it very much whereas when you see them with losers you probably notice it more right so it's probably happening less than you think it is because you notice it more when it happens however there are actually some very specific things losers have going for them and actually some things that losers do better than winners when it comes to attracting women so let's get into that right now so let's talk about the type of loser who actually succeeds with women I'm going to paint you a little bit of a picture he is indifferent he is irreverent he is unconstrained by rules and he is unfiltered a lot of this because he probably has very little to lose imagine the kid sitting in the back of your high school classroom skating along at a solid D minus average who's willing to tell a teacher to off and who spends as much time in detention as he spends in class this is the type of kid I'm talking about so this is not the type of guy the girl's parents would approve of this is not the typee of guy her teachers would approve of he's not a solid choice for a stable long-term future and he quite likely won't treat her as nicely as a lot of other guys might but he does have some very specific qualities that women find very very attractive number one he is not needy he has gotten negative feedback in his life and he realizes it's kind of okay probably does not seek approval from his parents and by extension he probably doesn't seek a lot of approval from the rest of the world he is willing to go from failure to failure because that is what he's dealt with in the past and so when he is with a woman he kind of realizes he might lose her at any point and he's kind of already come to grips with that in advance it would be just the next in a series of such events in his life and he's not super attached contrast that to the guy who gets straight A and gets every bit of extra credit and cares about what his teacher thinks about him and cares about what his parents think about him and cares about his social reputation that guy is inherently much more needy number two he's not reactive and this may at first seem similar to not being needy but it is subtly different see neediness has to do with what you expect or what you're hoping for when making an action non- reactiveness has to do with how you handle negatives how you handle failures how you handle getting and that last one in particular is very very important because girls will give guys to test them a lot we literally call it a test and if you react to tests you convey that you are a lower value person if you truly don't give a if you truly don't react you actually convey a certain level of selfish a certain level of value around you and so when a girl tests a high achieving guy who is used to getting positive feedback he reacts strongly maybe tries to justify himself maybe tries to explain himself when she tests a loser he says yeah what of it you back right and that very much I don't give a attitude actually is a very very attractive response to being tested the next reason why certain losers do very well with women has to do with something I call compensating through personality and it's kind of similar to the idea that when someone loses their eyesight their hearing becomes sharper because they have to rely on it more well similarly when someone doesn't do so well academically and doesn't have that as a potential future a potential route to express themselves and to succeed or maybe they don't do well athletically either and they can't use that as a way to succeed they have to find other ways or at the very least their time is not wrapped up in those things so they have more time to develop other characteristics so for example I when I was growing up was very much into academics and Athletics and I spent almost no time going to parties and socializing whereas guys who were losers who didn't do their homework and didn't play a sport went to all the parties and so they spent more time working on socializing also they couldn't stand out academically and athletically and so they found ways to stand out socially or ways to get attention socially and so the very fact that they're actually bad at a lot of things actually forc them to be good at certain things that are very valuable when it comes to meeting women and actually when you think about it a huge part of learning game learning to be good with women is emulating this going out and actually spending time interacting with women going to bars going to parties going to places where you do interact and by the way that's why as a beginner some of the best advice you can get in game is just go out the next reason why losers can be attractive is that they have less to lose and therefore they take more risks see most men most successful men one of the biggest issues they have with women is they play it too safe they don't take risks they don't make moves because they're afraid of failure because they're afraid of rejection when you've already had rejection in your life when you've already been in trouble and realize it's not as big of a deal you tend to take more risks and that's why this certain type of loser takes more risks and therefore gets more success as a result next up losers can be exciting and naughty I already mentioned previously they tend to take more risks but also they tend to push more buttons and be more emotionally stimulating and arousing also the fact that they're not approved of by the parents and the teachers or by the authorities can be a little bit exhilarating and exciting as well beyond that the fact is a lot of men are very judgmental of women and sex they have this sort of like idea that they want this woman to be a perfect angel and live up to some kind of like stereotype of virginity whereas a lot of times guys who are losers don't have that and that leaves women much more free to express themselves sexually much more free to have sex and much more free to do kinky things which can all be exciting for women the next major reason that women may be attracted to losers is simply a matter of sexual experience see number one because of all these other reasons why I said losers can be attractive maybe they are having more sex and then that leads to them having more experience and women liking them even more but also even beyond that it's quite likely that these types of men maybe had sex earlier on in life see I'll give you a little bit of personal experience one of the reasons that I didn't have sex or didn't pursue sex very hard at a young age was I was very scared of getting a woman pregnant I was very scared of STDs but if I had had less to lose I might have gone ahead and did it and I know there were lots of kids in my school that were going ahead and having sex at a very young age now obviously if you start having sex at a young age that gets you more comfortable with sex better at sex it leads to a reputation of having sex and all of these things can sort of snowball and make it easier and easier as time goes by so those are all reasons that directly have to do with the man and what attractive traits he may be conveying but I want to give you a second perspective that's also deeply compelling for why women May date losers and this actually has to do with the woman and to sum this up I'll put it in one sentence maybe she's a loser as well now let me unpack that number one she may literally actually be a loser right you see this girl and you see her physical appearance and you see her attractiveness but you don't know what's going on beneath the surface she might be irresponsible broke her life may be a mess those types of things she also may not have been raised all that well Etc you see as men we look at women and we see their physical attractiveness and there's sort of a halo effect where we assume that if she's attractive she has all these different things going for her right so she may actually be a disaster deep down now that doesn't mean that she can't attract certain high quality men cuz if a woman is attractive she probably can but that does mean that she may see herself as being at a certain level and when she's dating a guy who's a loser she may not think she's dating down she may think that's what she deserves or that's what she can get she also may feel much safer there because it is actually quite possible maybe she has dated guys that were winners before and then they found out her negative qualities found out what a mess she was and then they ended up dumping her so there is sort of a safety Factor here there's also sort of a deservedness or a perceived deservedness factor that the girl may be exhibiting here as well see we as men do tend to assume that an attractive woman or a woman who looks outwardly beautiful has so much going for but that is not always the case even Beyond her actual tangible life being in disarray it's quite possible she seems to have everything going for her appearance and lifestyle and success but she actually just has deeply low self-esteem and again she's drawn to what she perceives of as her equal which to her is a loser and here's my final point you can learn a ton about how game works on a very deep level from studying how these apparently losers do so well with women in fact I would go so far as to say that once you understand this you actually have a fairly deep understanding of game so it's very clear that certain guys we may see as losers are actually doing a lot of things with women that are making them winners in that particular area and you can learn a ton from them in fact I would suggest emulating however do not emulate them overall this video is not intended to glorify being a loser or glorify throwing your life away or being nihilistic or anything like that in fact what you want to be is the winner who bodies these traits that's actually the grand prize that's what the really high quality girls are looking for and that's how you're really truly going to succeed at this game so win at life but understand what losers are doing and incorporate it just a little bit as well so what should you take away from this video well absolutely learn and understand these attractive qualities that the losers exhibit that are making them successful with women and all these qualities are also on the other videos on my channel by the way so you can check them out there but I do not want you to to emulate these loser type guys you'll do much better overall by being a winner who learns these attractive traits you do not want to become that guy who loses his job and does illegal stuff and you know takes silly risks and destroys his life in the name of getting better with women number one because you've destroyed your life and number two because it won't work that's not what's making it happen it's the underlying tangential qualities that are making it happen and in fact a lot of these losers they have a very short shelf life because over time being a winner does add up and a lot of these guys peak in high school or peek in their 20s that sort of a thing okay so don't become the loser but do learn from them furthermore when you are a high value guy you not only get access to higher quality girls but you will attract higher quality girls remember a lot of the times the girls that are interested in the losers are not the ones that are the highest quality what you want to be is the high value guy who also has these attractive qualities that's what you're going for thanks for watching if you have questions or if you want to share your anecdote put them below and I'll see you on the next video ...

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