We Set Up A Girl With Identical Twins | UpDating

dating up [Music] super excited to be here in Raleigh uh this is a uh this is a great City man I know it's super nice like if I y...

dating up

[Music] super excited to be here in Raleigh uh this is a uh this is a great City man I know it's super nice like if I yeah if I lived in a place like this I would just like get married we've been traveling all over and every City's different and has like a defining character um yeah uh Raleigh North Carolina doesn't uh there's like nothing I have to say negative or positive they love horse farms apparently yeah they like are you guys I I don't think that's true that's I actually like places like this the most like it's the most fun because it's the most like you know like you guys got nothing to lose um how long you guys been dating over there about a month about a month you really like him you love him have you said I love you yet no I've know him a month a month oh I say it after on the third date how long you guys been dating like a month what the Harrison has um very special announcement for everyone right here do you guys want to hear about something really hot do you want to hear about something that just came to North Carolina and it's called DraftKings updating and DraftKings we're partnering up now that Sports batting is actually legal right here in North Carolina Make some noise for that that's so excited the buzz we heard the buzz when we got off the flight and if you use our code updating you guys are going to have the chance you can bet $5 and you'll be able to win $250 in bonus bets instantly Make some noise for that it's really cool it's awesome so what happens next download the DraftKings Sportsbook app use the code updating and look baseball's coming around the corner football so it's very exciting but on that note you guys ready to start the show all right give it up for [Music] Joseph so Joseph man welcome to updating very excited to have you on the Raleigh edition of the show um uh D you want to just introduce yourself hey uh my name is Joseph um from Charleston South Carolina big fan of the show and uh was hoping to come on here and meet uh one of these lovely ladies and hopefully get a little further and see how everything goes I like that yeah that was good would you say you're uh a ladies man a guy you know uh a shy guy like where do you fall into this bucket I'd say a little on the shy end um but then like once you get to know the person and like your entire personality comes out I'm out here doing this so I'm very animated in a lot of things that I do so like big movements in the bedroom you get animated you do big movements I I try to be animated you know big movements for about 30 seconds and then you know we're off oh I love that what are some of these specific big movements that you do in that situation so uh more I think he just did it I like uh uh more recently I got into BDSM type stuff I have a brother and he oh oh oh pause hold up um this guy's [ __ ] his brother he came home one day he was like Hey I did I uh I yo this is going in a weird Direction that's long story short the girl wanted him to slap her yeah he did it he was like you got to try this thing obviously there's a time and place for it make sure she's cool with it whatever so the next time I tried I was like wow that was fun okay and that kind of like opened up the Gateway do you have a lot of fantasies that involve family um I would definitely go over with the right person and the Mina with my brother but he's super against it no I'm not touching him we're what's up sensitive about you like something like on a more sensitive note that like maybe could like we would be surprised to find out cuz I want to find out about your depth oh yeah oh it it's hard to get to depth like with dating me because you have to pass all these boundaries to even get there the last relationship I was in that girl was more of like wanting a manly man like uh you didn't slap her hard enough I guess yeah but like slap you in public hard like get in line type deal I'm not willing to do that I'm she wanted that you know like when you're you're not doing something you could tell that they want you to do that but you're not willing to do it yeah you seem like a GLE like a teddy bear kind of you Che me as a guy with like animals you like animals animals I love animals what's your favorite animal uh we actually have or had a raccoon uh her name was Bonnie love of my life that is the coolest thing she she uh has recently passed away because we did not know how to take care of a raccoon did it bite you at all all the time all the [ __ ] time did you you didn't get rabies or anything no I was terrified the one time so I like almost tried to kill her myself and I was like H am I really willing to take the rabies shot I don't I don't know I don't I just didn't want to do it man you are like an extreme Guy what's something sweet that you did for anyone recently what's one thing a nice besides your brother besides your brother besides your brother besides [ __ ] your brother outside of my brother there's a girl that wasn't so into me but she's kind of into me it depends on how many drinks she has um I decided that I wanted to take her to I don't know if anybody knows Hall's Chop House spent like $800 and nothing came from it so I was a little hurt upset about it but um that like opened up my side of like not even not even a kiss not even a kiss shockingly enough w w so your nicest action was spending a lot of money to try to [ __ ] a girl and you do have a good uh you know good figure you know it seems like you you hit the gym a little bit how important is Fitness to you yeah so definitely leading the healthy lifestyle I used to be a p vter in college so uh we just did that a lot so I've been kind of up and down the Southeast coast uh just kind of learning and what about the other pole town you know downstairs how's rock hard rock hard hopefully not right now I think we he'll be the first to to have that uh up here um I and what what other than raccoons what's your favorite animal poodles poodles are really got that okay thank you all right well Brandon I like Joseph I like him man clap it up for Joseph Joseph stand up put your hands together for Mk Mary Kate everyone one's year left MK all right so MK tell the crowd who you are and the guy you're looking for and then we'll move into a couple of things I'm MK I'm 25 I'm currently a Vette Tech hoping new to vet school you're a vet no we'll keep going there for a second do you want to know is it we like have you ever known anyone that has a pet raccoon I Yes actually is that is that normal uh no it's I don't think it's legal technically would you be cool with that with the pet raccoon yeah no okay they're terribly destructive what's the the strangest animal you've seen as a vettech uh the raccoon do you have any weird animals no I well I have a dog and three horses so I don't wait where do you live near horses I I live on a horse bar my [Applause] wor yo being around a horse farm it is romantic have you ever done been done anything with guys around horses or No [Music] Yes is the like what the like the horse was just like sitting there like like what was what was that like there there were no horses in the barn and I will take no further questions thank you do you like guys that are you know like the type of dudes that are close with their brother um Can can you elaborate have you ever have you ever been with a guy that's like just close to his brother uh like did would that would something like that bother you do you care like when people are close to their family I think it's a green flag unless they have a weird relationship with their mom what is the perfect guy like like look and personality like tell us right now um like right now okay yeah um preferably tall I don't know if anyone's noticed I'm 5'9 I like wearing heels so usually in the 6ot range uh the Horseshoes are big yeah you know I like the sound effect um uh I'm a sucker for blue eyes honestly um usually like facial hair it's a tough show for the eyes the eyes unfortunately facial hair like what's okay what's a hot celebrity so we can get a visual we all know like what's a hot celebrity like who's a hot celebrity you just want to you know you want to ride uh like you know I would say like a Hemsworth brother would be ideal oh give us like a relatable guy that doesn't look like a statue um unfortunately that is my type um what's your favorite body part on a guy like is there one that stands out uh forearms whoa I was into bouldering for a while and my God you if you know you know what would be the hottest job a guy could have I'm kind of curious of what you would say um maybe like an engineer and is there a guy from your past that is an example of a guy you don't want oo I was cheated on not too long ago can we all do an a bad man I found out he was cheating on me because a cop showed up with a restraining order from his fiance for him crazy and then um my friend found out all the details from the are we dating the same guy Facebook group what happened next um I found out uh I went and packed up all my [ __ ] from his apartment and I left the key in the door and pieced out H wow uh how long were you with him uh 3 months oh that was everything's like one to three months in yeah everything what's with the one to three months if you're a good company um have you ever you like slapping or anything like BDSM any of that [ __ ] or no uh I'm not into slapping don't touch my face but okay um but what are you into yeah you know uh I do I do like a blindfold um I like some handcuffs wow it looks like you're on the right stage on that note Brandon guys give it up for Mk give it up give it up please welcome back to the stage it's Joseph hey how you doing I'm Joe nice to meet you hi nice to meet you I'm MK nice to meet you MK she's not catching the queue no it's it's not happening MK um um where we at was that her hand thank you oh my God okay I'm like the southern gentleman type deal so I got to like like like where's your hand there we go okay nice to meet you I'm nice to meet you so we don't normally do this on our show uh but but Joe does uh do you want to just share your profession to start out there and then we could uh you guys could you could Dive Right into her yeah yeah I mean I'm in I'm an engineer for the the super secer government um if I told you what I did I had to kill you that type stuff um so I mean other than that um besides my intense job we just like to have fun I mean I like to have fun not we like to have fun um I was going to say I've already been a part of a Wii situation going to do that again so so like including the Wii was there like a little bit of like well I don't know you have you been like slapped in the face like BDSM like just I'm just curious cuz you're obviously open for these things so not obvious not obviously I'm sorry not obviously but funny I try to do profession on our show and it somehow turns into sex she not conventional not conventional but we don't have to answer that what do you do for IT uhm um I'm a vet tech and then I also work on a horse farm so like do you have you ever seen like a raccoon like like like legitimately multiple raccoons right so we we owned one oh my God I owned one and it's like a [ __ ] cat but it wants to bite you all the time like way more than cats do and they smell it's like oh my God she ended up getting hit by a car but very sad I cried I was I was real sensitive about it um basically cried there in the yard um wow however on the other note it did almost give me rabies one time so I wanted to kill it when it was like 3 weeks old cuz it bit me and I was like you know I'm sure you know like wow we're finding out too much yeah yeah Joseph so if you were to own another pet maybe tell maybe help MK realize that you could actually be a good pet owner what would you absolutely what would you do for your there's 12 12 dogs at my property right now and yep 12 dogs um 15 chickens and two bunnies a vet is literally like that's too many dogs too many dogs they're all can9 unit dogs okay that makes more sense yeah so like we're training them so your employees basically somebody else's employees I don't like those little shits um but uh no no they're great they're great uh gu just SC back Joseph uh we're we're just gonna jump in because we want you to we want you to have a chance on this date we want it to work man fantastic what just tell MK something sweet about yourself besides the animal killing and all I mean my heart's open for anybody in my family so like anytime that anybody needs help even if it's not in my family so my grandma calls me she's like Joe come cut the grass and she needs like a 5x5 square cut and we spend like 10 minutes out there and then I hang out with her for 3 hours also I I spend a lot of my time volunteering to coach uh high school kids in pting cuz that's what I did in college um so it kind of just made sense to do that my God okay that's cool no I absolutely wow suddenly the like the raccoon killing is like attractive I I just absolutely like love being around my family and helping other people and like reaching out and anybody that's like basically less fortunate or needs help car work anything like that I always have a helping hand letting out a so would you change the oil in my car absolutely like that's the easiest thing that any mechanic yeah yeah absolutely it it it's easy I'll change your car rotate your tires uh swap your engine whatever you need done okay okay um for reference I do know how to change my oil I just don't want to uhoh oh my God I got to get my hands dirty so you can keep your hands clean you know like that's this is getting intimate I love what's happening brand I mean uh Jo Joseph speaking about your grandmother like what's what's something your grandmother would ask MK that oh my God oh God she's French so she's like rated R to the max so she as soon any I've only brought gets more interesting and more they really do I brought one girl over and the first question that she asked was do you poke which is like [ __ ] it's like you you poke poke and but she's French so she's like oh Bon Po and I'm like yeah it's terrible it's terrible your family needs to be put away uh and no I dude your family seems fun it seems it seems like this sounds like I was from this family oh no I have a question if you were really into a girl and she said hey um it's important to me Joe I want to have sex in front of your family like and you loved her Joe would you be down for that and I love her you love her only in front of my brother I I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding no definitely not no you're not wow uh but if if we were getting married she's like I'm not marrying you unless we do this then maybe yeah Joe's going to have one kid and it's going to be born with one eye let's hear you ask to MK something because we've heard a lot a lot of uh incestual comments we have ask her something oh my God so I mean outside outside your like professional all that fun stuff like like what do you like so when I hear people that do horses that's like their entire personality so like is horses and farming and vetting like that's your whole thing or do you have like stuff you want to do like to do outside of that ow um passive I I do have a personality don't don't worry um unfortunately um I do work quite a bit I usually work like six days a week when I'm not working I like going to Hot Yoga in the summer I play a lot of beach volleyball I like to travel go to concerts so n this is so cute wait take her take her hand there Joe we take her hand play play with it a nmk do you want to feel his forearms maybe oh yeah you're right okay I'll take it this guy would have massive forums cuz he probably masturbates with his brother every day um it's called giving yourself a stranger it it like what's wait what is that wait what is that man man the terminology in North Carolina is very interesting yeah I didn't know nor North Carolina Raleigh I didn't know you guys were so [ __ ] weird here I'm from Charleston South Carolina I was going to say this is not a North Carolina thing I mean Brandon on on that note I think we're getting ready for these blindfolds to come off are you guys getting ready for them um all right but before they come off uh the two of you can either um you could either hug kiss or or [ __ ] a horse yeah you could I can leave it up to her or BDSM yeah yeah what do you guys want to do want to kiss hug what do you want to do to each other or not um I'll I'll do a hug okay are we standing or just turning I'm standing okay yeah okay I was good she's shorter than me if she was like 6' three i' be like God look at this horse she's a hor which is it's not a bad thing athletic babies you know like you get the whole you get the whole thing going all right everyone the blindfolds are going to come off in 5 4 3 2 1 yeah hi Hi how are you microphone's up all right stare at this girl right here in the eyes I want you I want you to just look at her in the eyes all right what up up hang do you want to do you want to kiss him now she's off his all right let's cut right heartbroken yeah thumbs up thumbs down all right both of you eyes closed look straight thumb up if you're into the person next to you thumb down if you are not in 5 4 3 2 [Applause] 1 all right whoa that happens man and and why was it a no from you know it was the raccoon stupid [ __ ] idiot the the brother didn't help but the raccoon was first so that was kind of the yeah it was it was a little bit of a nose dive to start no absolutely Harrison what do you want to do here man I I never know with what you want to do all right I mean you know here in the game Zone there is one more game that I want to play with these two we call it the final Hill Mary and it's our last chance at updating to hopefully take those thumbs down put a thumbs up so you guys are going to play a game we call facts clap it up for facts everyone all right so if you put your butt are you down for one more chance because we do we really think you guys are going to get along yeah blindfold blindfolds back on everyone blindfolds back [Music] on bye blindfolds back Joseph you're doing some weird [ __ ] with your hands put your [ __ ] blindfolds on Joseph this guy is so all right all right everyone here I'm goingon to you are this guy all right so Harrison get to the facts man all right let's do facts Joseph are you ready already MK are you ready I am ready all right Fact one thumbs up or thumbs down if you have made love outside on a lake outside a lake okay oh down and I and I have a question Joe what's the most romantic love making you've ever made where it actually was meaningful to you because I want to know more like a more serious side of you now romance is here here by the heart you know it's uh it's different for each individual of us some of us are uh more privy to flowers and candies we're going to go to the next fact uh all right fat fact number two because we we're only going to do two more we really want you guys to get along here Brandon you're up for the next fact so there is something like you do give Second Chances thumbs up or thumbs down that was a good one that was a good okay so last fact thumbs up or thumbs down if you have ever hooked up with someone that a family member is also hooked up with of course you have [Applause] Joe Joseph uh you were turned down earlier just this one's not a fact just tell MK why she should give you another shot you know I'm a great guy I get nervous on stage uh you know I didn't actually you know mean a lot of the things that I said you know I'm spontaneous at the moment um you know I uh am a different person on a personal level uh honestly Joe what was something you actually liked and I know you guys you put the thumbs down what was something you did like though about MK honestly uh a vettech is fantastic job to have uh it means she cares about uh something other than herself um so that's really sweet of her and that uh translate across all aspects of a relationship so dude a what's something we didn't find out about you tonight that you want the crowd to know that's like a lovable thing that maybe would would turn would you know twist MK twist or or you know what I mean change her mind change her her her mind you know personally uh I feel like I can give any uh you know woman or anybody who willing to give me a chance the whack to or the chance to wow the world right all right whack off with your brother oh okay um I mean MK do you have any final questions for if there's one thing that could maybe change your mind I don't think anything could change my mind all right well we'll do do you like flying places flying yeah flying uh yeah are you a a pilot that's a red flag really how's that I feel like pilot save the world man you know I I dated a pilot and um he snuck out at 3:00 a.m. so not all Pilots some Pilots do that some some are cool so all right the final fact uh thumbs up or thumbs down if uh if you would give this person a second chance for a little smooch thumbs up or thumbs I hate kiss a hate kiss do you guys want to do a hate kiss we like those wait who y Make Some Noise We Love A hate kiss and it looks like MK is that your are you friends with her it's good friend that's my best friend so do you want her to do the kiss yeah I want them to kiss okay MK do the hate kiss just because she told me to I will yes all right all right right to your right right grab her face here all right I mean all right that was a very good kiss so MK I'll hear from you was that a good was that at least a good kiss you like his mouth his taste his breath everything you know um it was it was just not much oh you know I like so a little something behind it that's Brandon I think it's time for the blindfolds to come off blindfolds so on that note the blindfolds are going to come off everyone 5 4 3 2 1 take it off your your neck please I'm sorry do I look familiar you do little bit a little bit tiny bit a little bit wait I'm confused what what do you what's going on he just said do I look familiar of course you just met him yeah you a little bit yeah what are you an idiot man of course you just met you of course yeah that's it and there's someone who wants to come up from the crowd and say hello to MK oh my God you're a twin take my seat right there go so first off are you mind- blown right now a little bit yeah this was unexpected like so and by the way not only are we seeing brothers that are twins that are identical we are meeting the first twins in America that have actually [ __ ] each other um so which would she pick though yeah which which twin do you think is hotter be honest I they look exactly the same to me all right if you all right so if you had to pick obviously they're identical you met them both what is your name Jo Jacob so oh you switched Oh see now they're [ __ ] with me over here so if you if you had to pick one so and just to clarify you actually did KISS Jacob correct what so if you had to pick between one of these two put your arm over the one that you think is just like cooler or hotter but so I was talking to Joseph but then you swapped him and Jacob was the one that I kissed yes see that's a lose lose for me oh oh my God oh my God this is like a MK MK MK put your arm over the one that if you if you were on if you were about to get killed and you had to pick five four and just so the crowd can go home and like dream about what has happened with you two have the two of you ever with the same girl same girl not at the same time right whoo sometimes he got there first Sometimes I got there first okay but did she know that it was different oh they they planed that [ __ ] they they they go like listen uh I think it's most women's uh dream almost almost below North Carolina to sleep with twins that sounds like a South Carolina remember that Murdoch murder thing I think I have the second documentary so Brandon I you know I'm confused I'm shocked I'm sad um I am sad that would have been so epic if she had been into both of them and then like not know it was a unfortunately we picked like the worst twins in America I'm kidding you guys it's the winlos twins of the South wait he's interested in MK I'm and then Brandon are you I am wait she's it to Jacob no can I be bold yes her friend you oh oh you like oh all right let's start with all right let's workan so number one what is your name your occupation and your 302 pitch yeah so my name's Hamza my occupation so I'm a manufacturing engineer my pitch is essentially this like well one I'm 25 I literally a mechanical engineer I have two degrees actually in mechanical engineer um with an Masters in addition this guy goes someone snatch Mom I had a girlfriend that was your height before so height really doesn't matter to me but I think the biggest thing that I probably have his character how do you feel about animals I'm open to it MK are you into this guy yes or no just say it um 25 is a little young for me if he didn't say he was 25 would you been into him be honest um definitive maybe yes or if I had to pick right now it would be a no um okay clap it up for hoba bring her up I want to see some magic happen here yeah and what was your name my name is Mary Claire so I am a lot of Marys so you're into you're into this one here no he's a I saw him when I came in and he's a little bit of a honey so you know yeah yo and and what's better about him than his brother his hair is not maintained speak to him directly tell him some other stuff about him well that was a good about him or about me yeah a little more about him then tell him about you no I thought you were a honey you have a very nice build I liked your hair I liked your smile you're a handsome fellow good for you thank a and Jacob uh what do you think I know MC uh I always admire a woman who's a very direct very upfront um so I think that um I mean you're adorable so um thank you for coming up and giving me a second chance keep going what good the that was very good that we and do you guys do you guys want to I'll give you a nice little kiss oh but we you know oh I love them Yo Harrison you know that is that is that is just romance I mean so I'm I love this room one word from you how you feeling right now it's a good ass time yo Joseph wants to shoot a shot for the friend so come on up all right and what is your name oh hi um sorry I was not expecting this um why did you call me out of the crowd I'm just old she was giggly she was smiling she's got nice teeth like she just like has an aura about her right now see look look she's like that's the kind of positive energy that I look for when I like talk to people do you want to say this into the microphone I said you have nice tits that's I mean I so was it the teeth or the tits it I mean it's kind of dark so I can't hardly see so for me it was the smile like like I said smile your aura um just that you're giggling you're here to have a good time you're having fun um and then you got up and I was like okay like okay double down all right here we go pretty I was pretty good pitch man what do you think of that I actually I love my boyfriend so much and then there were two I know [Music] so the final part of tonight will go out to anyone in the crowd if you want to shoot your shot one last time my name is Emanuel Emanuel preach there is a beautiful woman in the back left over there who the one who's looking shocked right now oh the one that they said oh no yeah the one who said Oh no you're I just I figured i' give it a shot I give it a shot you're not you're not appreciate it are you single or just single but you're just not it this guy uh-uh okay what would you be down to speak to him at the Afterparty and maybe change your mind nothing wow so you just you don't even want to you just don't even want to say anything cuz he's actually a pretty good-looking guy I say he wasn't yeah he not for me would you like the twins no thank you you're just not yeah let's hear from you um y'all called out someone earlier for saying snatch him up and I've been staring at him all night oh my God yo yo snatch him up snatch him up snatch him up yes or no all right what all right but by the way you are a [ __ ] good-looking man what do you want to say yeah I I can't yeah appreciate it appreciate it you're not you're what the dude come on you so is it a yes or a no for this girl back there oh man I'm uh don't know what I I think a guy like this is probably dating Nine Girls righ I think I said at the beginning of the show I got nothing to say here I still don't MK we thought the show was going to be like she would love the first twin um and then like the second would come out and like she'd end up picking the other twin and like it would be the whole thing the plan didn't go exactly how we wanted it to our idea going into the show was she would hopefully kiss both sadly that didn't happen she strongly disliked the first and then um she strongly disliked the second Twin a little bit less MK they are the most interesting twins I've ever met I don't know that many twins but I like them uh I thought it was I thought they were uh they were brutally brutally odd my favorite part was probably the end when people in the audience are just pointing at each other and and shooting their shot and getting rejected that's what upd's all about to town hall it's a forum it was multiple hookups after the show that I saw in the parking lot with the guy that turned down the girl behind him and then I also saw um at the bar um another hook up with people in the room and then MK hooked up with I think the second Twin so yeah and I did think before the show that on paper they were a good match like MK didn't end up getting um what we thought she would guys thank you so much for tuning in week after week uh we love all of you and it's been a real pleasure meeting all of you on the road we have tickets available right now for our upcoming cities join our community and casting too we don't talk too much about casting but we're truly always casting so if you're friends you think would be great for the show DM us call us DM our personal send us their info and please please keep hitting [Music] subscribe ...

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