Andrew Tate on How to Get a Girl!

best way to find a girlfriend how you get it but how should a guy get a girl oh how should a guy get a girl you're not talking a...

best way to find a girlfriend

how you get it but how should a guy get a girl oh how should a guy get a girl you're not talking about yeah yeah for him it's easier he doesn't even need to say anything money Bugatti come here come here come on yeah yeah there's a really long answer to give there but truthfully it doesn't matter if it's getting a girl or it's making money or it's getting status it doesn't matter what it is as a man we live in hyper-competitive environments I don't think enough men understand how competitive the world is if you want a girl you're competing against other men you're not the only man who had the idea of getting that girl there's no girl you're gonna see and go ah I'll get that girl and didn't cross anyone else's mind everybody else wants or you have to out-compete other men you have to be as competitive as possible you have to be as successful as possible in all Realms you have to be as good looking as funny as smart as spontaneous as interesting as charismatic as rich as possible you need to try very hard to be your absolute best and as you become a better man you'll crack through different tiers of attractiveness and eventually you get to the top and you'll be able to have any girl you want but the truth is I have a lot of guys ask me similar to your question a guy will come to me and go how do I get a girl like bro you're a loser yeah but I know but how do I get a girl well you're a [ __ ] loser you're a loser why are you asking me it's like saying how do I win a race with a push bike erasing Ferraris what do you want me to do there's only so much you can do he's only so hard you can pedal there's only so many tricks and and tips there's only so many game things you can say so many pickup lines if you're a loser it's going to be very very difficult and it's going to get harder and harder the game is rigged to become harder and harder for men it's not getting easier it's going the other way and if you're going to be on a race track and there's going to be Ferraris there and you're going to be on a pedal bike or in a Nissan you're going to get smoked that's the game you have to up yourself you have to improve yourself I'm not gonna lie to anybody here and say you don't have to improve yourself you can stay a loser and get chicks because you can yeah you can question what do you think girls want from men good question do you want the truth or a lie no tell me do you want the truth of course of course they all say truth I want the truth you could just tell me the truth then you tell the truth and they cry um every time uh what women want from men well the first thing we have to understand is that it depends right of course it depends it depends on how old the woman is what part of her life she's in if she's looking for excitement Adventure or she's looking for a family and to settle down it completely depends but in general if a woman is going to dedicate herself to a man then that man has to be all-encompassing he has to be a man who can fix most of her problems he needs to provide stability and safety which everybody knows but not many people consider that he also has to provide drama for her he also has to be entertaining for her if you're if a woman only talks to you and you're the only man in her life and there's never any drama or there's never any I wouldn't say conflict I'm not saying necessarily start an argument but there's never any drama because drama is excitement then they're going to naturally try and find drama somewhere else and that always ends very badly for the man you don't want them to try and find drama outside of the relationship women sit there and watch the Kardashians all day they're addicted to dramas what they care about yeah so if you're a woman's entire world you also have to be the person who can you have to shock her a bit you have to be the person who can upset her you need to be entertaining all-encompassing from head to toe women want to be with a man which keeps them entertained and a man which they trust and a man which they believe can fix all of their problems this is another important thing if a woman comes to you with an issue and you can't fix it you'll see very quickly how how soon they lose attraction would you ever date a Kardashian me personally no I ...

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